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Robb breathed heavily as he kicked his feet into his horse, he'd been riding hard for nearly a day and yet it didn't feel like he was far enough yet. His heartbeat felt in sync with the galloping of the horse as it beat out of his chest, as he looked back every shadow he saw seemed to move and follow him only inflaming his paranoia even further. His hands were sweaty and it felt like he might lose grip on the reins altogether, his whole body ached from riding for such a long period of time while having only barely recovered from his previous injuries.

But he rode on, he did not know what those dark priests would do to him if they managed to catch him and so he road across the rocky desert landscape, but he could feel his horse start to slow and whine, he knew it wouldn't be much longer until it gave out and either kicked him off or collapsed 'Just a little longer...' he thought to himself as he rode down the princes pass towards the reach, he'd considered going through Dorne and taking a ship which would admittedly be much quickly but navigating the desert would be dangerous for someone like him who wasn't used to such conditions, it was safer to head back north through the reach where fresh water and food wouldn't be hard to find.

Robb looked down as his horse started to whine, if he wanted to keep this horse alive he'd have to stop but right now he was in the open and had no place to take cover. However the decision was taken out of his hands as his horse tripped over something and he was sent flying over the horse and crashing into the ground, he rolled over the rocks cutting himself on a few sharpened ones and then hitting his head on a large rock passing out. Luckily his horse landed in a different direction from him otherwise he'd be crushed underneath the large animal.

Robb lay there for a few minutes unmoving before he gasped and regained consciousness. The first thing that hit him was the awful smell that stung his nostrils, it was foul and putrid and it was as if he was lying right on a rotting body.

As his eyes adjusted to the dark he looked down and saw a half-decomposed face with a rat crawling out of its mouth "Hells!" Robb shouted as he pushed himself off the corpses only to fall into another one. As he looked around he realised he was surrounded by dead bodies going on for what seemed like miles, he quickly realised he was on a battlefield.

His head started to pound as he looked around at all the dead bodies, he screamed as he grabbed his head in pain. But it got worse as he looked over to a certain group of men who wore the sigil of House Stark, the pain became so great as flashes of memories started to appear in his mind, it was as if months of memories flashed in his mind in only a few moments, it became so much that he found himself losing consciousness again.


Those were the last words that came out of Robb's mouth before he fell to the ground and passed out once more.


When Robb awoke he was no longer on the ground but in the skies, he didn't know how long he was awake but it must've been a while as the sun had not yet risen and it was only starting to lighten.

'I must still be dreaming.' Robb thought to himself as he realised that he wasn't himself... but a bird of some kind, his vision was incredible he could see for miles in such clear detail. He no longer had arms but instead, wings that he spread wide as they cut through the air, he felt free for the first time in such a long time. Though it was bittersweet as he knew that all good dreams would end and he'd be back to...

The memories that had caused him to pass out had finally hit him and he finally remembered the situation he was currently in 'I need to wake up!' He thought to himself in a panic.

However his newly enhanced vision spotted something down below, Robb couldn't contain his shock as he saw himself lying on the ground with white eyes, though what was worse was that less than a mile away from him was a group of soldiers riding on horses being lead by a dark priest.

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