The Ritual

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(Location: The Pit)
(Time: Nightfall)

(3rd person)

The tunnels were pitch black, it was a dark place full of pain and suffering, how the people navigated the tunnels Jon did not know but he felt exposed the only source of light a flame from his left hand while he held his sword with his right. Jon hadn't felt this kind of trepidation since he had been trapped in the forest with Sansa, though while that darkness seemed to be alive the one in these tunnels seemed to be a void of nothingness, a pit where nothing can escape.

Jon kept on walking through the endless maze of tunnels, they seemed to go across the entire city, Salladhor had said they were created by one of his ancestors as a last resort in case the people on the island turned on him. Though they had been added to since then, somewhere along the line they created a holding place for slaves which is known as the pit.

Trying to walk carefully in an attempt to mask his sound Jon hugs the wall as he moves through the dark corridors, though it seems to be in vain as he hears a crunch sound that seems to echo all throughout the tunnels.

Wincing Jon looks down to see he's crushed an animal skull, though when he takes a closer look at it by squatting down he realises that it's not an animal skull though it's not entirely human either, it seems that the back of the head is elongated and the teeth seem to all be fanged, looking up and increasing the intensity of his flame he can see that most of the length of this part of the tunnel was filled with bones, most from rodents and small animals though a lot were also those strange creatures.

The air was filled with the putrid smell of death and decay the walls were splattered with dried blood and other bodily fluids.

'Maybe I should've risked going through the top' Jon thought to himself as he crept through the dark corridor.

Turning right at an intersection as per the maps instructions Jon finds himself in a large room that were full of cells that stretched at least 50 metres long. On one side of the room there was a sign saying transitioned and on the other side it said human.

Jon creeps up to the cell marked human, they are similar to the pale hairless beings that surrounded the Toad statue, they shivered and groaned in the floor, nothing was provided for them nor a blanket to keep them warm or a bucket to relieve themselves

"K-h-heel m-me" one of them grounded out as he made eye contact with Jon, it seemed that the person that was once a man could no longer speak properly due to the growth of his teeth in his mouth.

He tried to move forward towards the bars of the cell that they were in but he just toppled on the floor, whatever this corruption was it seemed to take away their strength as they turned into something else.


Jon hears a raspy wet slurping sound behind him where the cells marked transitioned were, he didn't know if he had the courage to turn and debated in his mind whether he should just turn and leave and forget about all he's seen.

Steeling himself Jon turns around and shines the light in his palm towards the cells where the inhuman sounds came from, illuminating the cells Jon is greeted with a creature even stranger and more terrifying than those that inhabited the lands of Sothoryos.

It was a pale green colour it's feet were wide and flat, it's legs were long and and thin but muscled, it looked like he muscle had been condensed in order to take up the least space possible along its back was a spine that you might find on a fish it extended outwards and was leathery but almost translucent at the same time it's body was fat and bulged around the middle it had brown spots littered around the sides of its belly but the belly was a pale white colour.

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