Home of the creepy weird and incredibly dangerous

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(Location: Outside the Green Hell near the Nymeria river)
(Time: Early afternoon, 295 AC)

(Jon POV)

'I never thought I'd be so happy to see the sun beating down on me again' I think to myself as I lay spread out on the river bank that we came out on after we excited that he'll scape.

"It can't have been more than an hour or two since we first went into the forest" Sansa states while looking at the position of the sun in the sky.

"It felt a lot longer than that" I say solemnly

"I guess that's one of the ways that place makes you suffer, by hiding the amount of time you've been terrified for" I say while looking at Sansa who I just realised was greedily gulping at the water in the river.

"Sansa! What're you doing you can't just drink the water straight from the river" I shout loudly at her while getting up and dragging her back, which turned out to be a stroke of good fortune.

As soon as I dragged Sansa back from the river a massive creature leaped out of the river and bit just where Sansa was a second ago.

The creature was almost as tall as me though it had four short legs and a long body, longer than 2 horse standing one behind the other. It had a rough hide with pointy spines going along it's back and a massive maw.

'What in seven hells is that thing, if it had wings I would've said if was a dragon' I thought to myself while quickly trying to back up, pushing Sansa behind me as I went.

"Jon! We need to run" Sansa says in a panic as she grips onto my back

"We can't Sansa we are trapped between the river and going back into the forest, and i really feel like we have better chances out here" I say while putting my hand on my dagger.

"You can't be serious Jon, look at the size of that thing it'll eat you for breakfast and then have me for lunch" she says looking at me as if I was touched.

"Listen Sansa just stay back don't go back into the forest just strafe down the river bank and hopefully it'll lose interest with you while I distract it" I say while holding her arm

"I ca-" but before Sansa can finish.

"Do as I say Sansa this isn't the time for arguments" I say while pushing her off to the side.

Taking my dagger out of the sheath I get into a comfortable stance as I see the huge creature exit the water and stomp towards me, I can here the hissing coming from it's mouth and a slight rumble.

'Exit the nightmare forest to end up as a wingless dragons lunch, I bet the nights watch don't have to deal with this' I think to myself as I get ready.

Suddenly the monster picks up speed and lunges at me with its mouth open ready to bite down on my whole body, but before it does I jump to the side and roll before getting back on my feet and lunging at the only weak spot I can see.

My dagger strikes true and I manage to gouge its eye but it doesn't die like I thought it would and it shakes me with incredible strength and I land 10 feet away from where we both were.

Feeling a bit dazed I can't help but curse at the fact it didn't die 'shit it must be my dagger it wasn't long enough to reach its head from the inside' I think to myself while slowly getting back into my feet. I notice the blood dripping down my head as I'm still trying to shake off the dizzy feeling I got from hitting my head on the ground.

I start to look around for my dagger and can't help but chuckle at where it is 'Right next to the monster that's currently trying to kill me, guess it would be too much to ask if the dagger got flung this way too' I think while standing up and getting ready for my second bout.

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