Clash of Titans

186 8 1

(Location: Gogossos)
(Time: Morning)


Jon stood there in front of this eldritch monstrosity, a fragment of a god that had come and gone, he knew the consequences of what should happen if he failed, the age of heroes was over there was no one that could stop this monster once it got back into its domain, it would rule the seas and no one would be able to stop it. Only Jon stood between this creature and a new world.

Jon's scales glistened in the sun they were a pure white that seemed to be made of starlight, though he was almost half as short as the Lord of the Deep ones his wing span made up for it stretching out almost twice his size. They both stood there not making a move glaring at each other intently, then as if a pebble dropped signifying the end of their silence Jon charged.


Jon ran on all four of his legs towards the creature before he stood up on his hind legs and with a flap of his wings he jumped straight at it.

Firing scorching blue flames from hiw maw, the creature tried to cover itself with its numerous tentacles, and while it did protect itself it did not realise what Jon was after, Jon landed on the creatures upper body, unbalancing it and with his teeth he bit into the appendage that held the light that almost drove Jon mad and ripped it straight off it's head.


The creature roared in pain, Jon prepared to let loose another stream of fire but he was grabbed by the neck with one of the creatures tentacles and thrown into the the rubble of what used to be the keep. Getting himself up and dusting shaking the rubble from his body Jon flaps his wings and charges back at the monster.

(Salladhors Cove)

Asha had made it through the confusing network of tunnels though it had taken her a while when she made it to the cove where Salladhor resided she found the other prisoners Euron kept there, at the moment they were being held back by guards from boarding the small ship that was currently in the water.

People were scared, the whole island seemed to shake, shockwaves reverberated throughout the cove, some rocks even falling from the ceiling falling into the water. Asha fought her way to the front of the crowd.

"I'm sorry my friends but I must leave you here for my ship has limited space, but I'm sure you'll all be fine" Salladhor says with a smile trying to keep the people calm. 


The screech cause people to cover their ears in pain, but after they recover it causes them to panic even more, not wanting to stay with whatever was on the island.

"Jon said he had a ship! Where is it!" Asha shouts out at the dark skinned pirate.

"Ah you've met my good friend Jon, his ship is just outside the harbour" Salladhor replies.

"Take us to that ship, if you don't have space at least transport us, no need to be a total cunt" Asha says in her usual unrefined manner.

Though Salladhor finds the humour in her speech "I suppose I could, the fact you are here and Jon is not, I'm guessing he did not make it, then the least I can do is supply his friends with a crew" he tells her, before making his guards stand down and to allow the ex prisoners onto the ship.

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