Start of a Journey

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"We must retreat to the desert, We can harass their lines once they enter Dorne, we slip in behind them and cut their supply lines" Arthur stated as he stood in the war room with Lord Fowler and the other commanders.

"No, we mustn't leave the safety of Skyreach, we will be able to hold them here until reinforcements come" Lord Fowler stated.

"What reinforcements? No one is coming we are on our own!" Arthur shouted back

"Oberyn with the help of Aegon Targaryen managed to defeat the army led by Eddard Stark, he is currently being held captive" Lord Fowler stated as he held up a letter he had received from Doran Martell.

Arthur couldn't help but frown, Doran had been acting like a fool and from what he knew of the man it had to be intentional as he wasn't a foolish person. Arthur looked towards his father who had remained quiet the entire time and saw the same type of concern he also felt.

'Doran... ever the schemer' Arthur thought to himself as he sat down in his seat.

"We'd be in a better position had those cowardly northerners not retreated north instead of coming with us," Lord Fowler said with a disgusted look on his face.

"Be careful with your words Lord Fowler..." Daeron who had been content to sit in his seat quietly spoke up for the first time. He sat there with Blood and dirt staining his skin and clothing, They had been called into the war room as soon as they arrived at Sky Reach without even being allowed to eat or wash.

"Oh? And why should I be careful boy!" Lord Fowler shouted venomously

"I am the Commander in this Army and you stay within my halls, You should be grateful a bastard such as yourself is even allowed in this room" He continued, prompting Arthur to stand up getting his teeth, However, Daeron placed his arm on the man making him back down.

"Lord Fowler, what you've said is undoubtedly true but if I may ask, what power do you wield in this room?" Daeron asked in a low dangerous tone

"What are you talking about!" Lord Fowler shouted back at him.

"Arthur if I asked you to kill Lord Fowler right now what would you do?" Daeron asked.

"I'd cut him down as commanded," Arthur said without hesitation while glaring intently at Lord Fowler who had the wind taken out of his sails at his answer.

Daeron then looked towards the rest of the people in the room "How many of you believe you can best The Sword of the Morning in a fight to protect your Lord" his words were met with silence as no one answered, though even if no one spoke their answer was clear and it made Lord Fowler shrink down more.

Daeron then looked back towards Lord Fowler with a cold expression "Where is this power you speak of? For I see nothing but a weak man, who I could cut down as easily as carving a cake"

Lord Fowler did nothing but look at Daeron with a mix of outrage and a little bit of fear as he saw both Daeron and Arthur looking at him coldly "Mayhaps we should take a break, we've just returned from battle and should wash, eat and get some rest" Beric suggested breaking the standoff that had formed in the room.

Lord Fowler who had not attended the battle and only stood on the edge and watched nodded his head in agreement "Agreed I am quite famished and could use a bath" his words only served to dig under Daeron's skin even more. He and all the rest of the commanders left the room leaving only Beric, Arthur and Daeron alone.

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