The Wall

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(Location: Castle Black)
(Time: Afternoon)

Seeing the wall in person completely amazed Arya, 700 feet tall spanning the whole northern border it was truly a sight to behold, Arya couldn't contain her excitement as she looked at Sansa and Daeron who had small smiles but nowhere near the same level as awe that she felt.

"Isn't this the Tallest thing you've ever seen, it seems to stretch to the sky!" Arya exaggerates as she points to the giant monolith of ice.

"Haha, it definitely is up there" Daeron says with a chuckle as he looks at Sansa who is also smiling, they probably would have been as excited as Arya was but having experienced something that not only was many times taller than the wall but walked seemed to take away any awe that they might have felt.

Daeron had told Arya that story of him fighting the stone giant but it seemed she didn't realise the scale of it.

'This would make a perfect nest if it wasn't so cold' Shiera says to him as she flies in the distance.

'Make sure to be careful not to be seen there will be people stationed on the wall that might see you' Daeron says to her.

With a mental equivalent of a nod Shiera changes directions before flying further down the wall to perch on an uninhabited part of the wall, she had grown a bit more recently now being a bit larger than a destrier, she had told Daeron that she'll always grow quickly in areas saturated by magic.

Daeron didn't understand before but now he did, approaching the wall it wasn't it's height that awed him but how he felt the closer he got, it was as if he could feel the magic within his blood and the wall resonate with each other.

'Is it because this was built by a Stark' Daeron wondered as they approached the gates of castle black.

"Halt! State your name and intentions" one of the watchmen shout down to them.

"I am Jon Snow and these two girls are both Starks we have come to visit our uncle the first ranger" Daeron states loudly in a clear voice.

"Open the gate!" The man commands.

The gates are opened and they are allowed to enter, their horses trot into the old castle, most of the men in the courtyard look up and stare, Sansa was most likely one of the most beautiful girls they'd ever seen snd Arya while not as pretty as her sister still had aristocratic facial features even with her tomboyish looks. Many of the brothers were questioning their vows when they saw women so beautiful but they turned away when they saw the ice cold glare of pure malice emanating from Daeron, it was like a predator was staring them down and they quickly went back to their duties.

"And how can we help such esteemed guests that have graced us with their presence" a man says his voice dripping with sarcasm as he walks up to the group as they were dismounting their horses, Daeron sighs as he was tired from travel and wanted to rest.

"I am Jon Snow and who are you Ser?" Daeron says to the man who looked as if he had a scowl perpetually etched onto his face.

"Jon Snow!? The Bastard Slaver? Come to finally join the watch have you? Coming where you belong" Alliser barks out with a laugh.

"He didn't kidnap me I'm right here!" Sansa shouts out with a huff. Alliser just sighs and decides he doesn't care he's a member of the Nights Watch.

"I am Ser Alliser Thorne, now tell me your business here we have no time around her for lallygagging" Alliser says firmly.

"Pfffft, you're here till you die I'm sure you have plenty of time" Arya whispers to Sansa drawling a chuckle from the girl who puts her hand over her mouth in an attempt to cover it. Daeron gives the two girls a warning glare before facing the Nights watchmen.

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