Chaper 22

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Cherie inhaled the scent of Jeremiah's hoodie that she had on that still held his scent. It had officially been two months since they'd seen each other, and Cherie missed him so much. Every time they'd tried to plan a weekend where they could visit one another, something came up. Cherie was starting to rethink the whole long-distance thing. She loved Jeremiah, but she couldn't lie, she was hating long distance. The phone calls weren't enough. She wanted to touch him, kiss him, smell him.

Cherie let out a sigh, opening up her computer and going to Quizlet. It was the end of July and exams were coming up. She was trying to end the summer semester with all As so she needed to do good on the three exams, she had to maintain them. The summer semester had been a breeze since it was the only thing she really had to focus on. She had no friends here and her boyfriend was across the country.

After studying for exams, Cherie decided to call Jeremiah. It was now evening time, and she hadn't talked to him all day. They hadn't even texted each other. She rolled her eyes when he didn't answer and sent a text saying that he was busy. He'd recently started working more hours, so he didn't have as much free time as he used to. Sometimes he and Cherie wouldn't talk until seven o'clock at night.

Since Jeremiah was too busy to answer her call, she turned on her tv to watch a little Netflix. Even though she'd been in school for the whole summer, she still hadn't made any friends. She spent all of her free time watching tv or just being at home. It was depressing, but it was what it was. Cherie wasn't in college to make friends; she just wanted to graduate and get her degree so she could start her career.

About two hours later, Jeremiah returned Cherie's call. "Hello." Cherie answered.

"Hey, sorry I'm just calling you back. I just got settled in." It was now a little past 8:00.

"Mhm, how was work today?" She questioned.

"Long, I had so many stories to cover today, and I have one due when I get to work in the morning. I haven't even started on that. How was your day?"

"It was pretty good, I didn't do anything but go to class and come back home. You know, same ole same ole."

"You need to make some friends." Cherie rolled her eyes.

"At this point, it is what it is."

"So you okay with being lonely for the next two years?"



"Jeremiah." Jeremiah sighed, changing the conversation.

"I was thinking about coming home for Labor Day since I'm going to be off that Monday."

"I'm not going to be in town, me and my family are going to Myrtle beach that weekend." Jeremiah sighed.

"I was going to fly in that Friday night. When are y'all leaving?"

"That Friday morning."

"Seems like we aren't going to ever see each other again." Jeremiah joked.

"Well we could've saw eachother last month." Jeremiah sucked his teeth at her pettiness.

"Don't start that petty shit."

"Don't cuss at me." Cherie frowned. "And there wouldn't be anything to start if you didn't cancel on me at the last minute." Cherie might've forgiven him, but she damn sure didn't forget.

"I've already apologized for that Cherie, I thought we moved on."

"We have, I was just reminding you why we haven't saw each other."

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