Chapter 15

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Jeremiah looked in the mirror at himself as his tailor made alterations to his suit. It was now April and he was graduating next month. His suit was a forest green color. He'd chosen that color since it was one of FAMU's.

"I'm finished." Mr. Burk announced, getting up. Mr. Burk was a family friend that his family had known for a long time. He'd been going to him for alterations since he was a little boy.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. You excited about graduation?"

"Yeah, I'm a little sad though I can't lie."


"My girlfriend is a freshman and my lease is up in May so we're going to be long distance."

"If it's God's plan for y'all to be together y'all will be alright."

"Thanks Mr. Burk." Jeremiah gave him a sly smile.


Jeremiah went to take the suit off then he put his clothes back on.

"Here you go." Jeremiah placed the suit down on the counter.

"You're coming to pick it up tomorrow right?"

"Yes sir."

"Alright, see you then."

"Alright, have a good one."

"You too." Jeremiah left the shop and headed back home.

When he arrived home the house was empty. It was Friday afternoon and his mom was at work and the twins were at school. He decided to chill until they came home. He changed into some loungewear then went into the kitchen to find something to snack on. Their fridge and pantry was stocked with a variety of snacks. His mother went to Sam's every month and bought things in bulk, her kids could eat and she very much aware of that.

Jeremiah settled on two pepperoni hot pockets and went into the living to start doing some of his homework. It was April, the last stretch of the semester before exams. He was trying to finish strong. Before doing his work, he decided to check his email. His brows raised when he saw he had an email from a job he'd applied for.

He had applied for a job with  ESPN. He'd interned with them last summer and had made a good impression. He clicked on the email, gasping when he saw CONGRATULATIONS! He'd gotten the job. He read the whole letter, then responded, accepting the offer.

In the letter, it explained his job description and where and when he would start the job. He was very excited, the only thing was the job was in LA. He had no problem moving, he'd had money saved up. The only thing was, he wasn't ready to leave his family and friends, and most importantly Cherie. He'd gotten used to not seeing his family a lot since he'd been in college, but Cherie; they hadn't even spent a week apart since they'd met.

When Jeremiah's mother got home he told her the good news. She was ecstatic for her son. She'd always wanted him to have a successful career and make good money. That was why she had worked so hard to live in nice neighborhoods so he could be zoned to good schools. It seemed like her hard work had paid off.

"Are you excited?" Jeremiah's mother questioned as they sat on the couch in the living room.

"Yeah." Jeremiah smiled.

"I'm so proud of you, we should have a little going away party."

"We don't have to do all that."

"Boy please, you're working with ESPN straight out of college. This is a big deal."

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