Chapter 1

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Cherie is pronounced Sh-ree

Cherie hugged her mother, giving her a kiss on the cheek. She then did the same to her father and her older sister Camreon. They had just gotten her moved into her one bedroom on campus apartment at FAMU. They were now getting ready to head back home to Orlando.

"Be safe kiddo." Cherie's dad ruffled her natural curls.

"I will." She assured him with a smile.

"See you later." Cameron pouted, giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Call me if you need anything."

"I will."

Lastly, she hugged her crying mother. "Mom, stop crying." Cherie chuckled.

"I'm trying not to but you're my baby." Cherie's father rolled his eyes at his wife. She'd done the same thing when they dropped Cameron off at college.

"I know, but that doesn't mean you have to cry. I'm coming home next month." Cherie tried to cheer her mother up.

"This don't make no damn sense; Cherie should be the one crying." Will, Cherie's father complained.

"Shutup." Cherie's mother wiped her tears, hugging Cherie one last time.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Cherie pulled away from her mother.

"Be safe and don't have no little boys in here." Cherie playfully rolled her eyes at her father.

"I won't."

"You better not." Cherie's father unlocked and opened the door. "Have fun."

"I will." Cherie promised.

Cherie's family exited her apartment, going out to their car. She stood in the doorway watching until they pulled off. She let out a sigh, locking and closing the door. Seeing her family leave made her a little sad. This was the first time she was going to be on her own, it was going to take a lot of adjusting. All her life, it had always been her, Cameron, and her parents. When Cameron left, it was her and her parents. The feeling of being alone was knew to her.

Cherie made her way into her bedroom and began unpacking some of her things. Maybe that would help her apartment feel more like a home. Since she loved interior designing, she'd bought all kinds of decor. She was hoping it would all come together like she'd visioned.

After Cherie unpacked her things and put more of her decor up the apartment felt more like home. She still wanted to go home, but the desire wasn't as strong as it was a few hours ago. She looked at the time, seeing that it was 3:00 which meant her family was probably back home. She decided to call her sister to cheer her up.

"Hello." Cameron answered on the first ring, panic lacing her voice.

"I'm okay." Cherie assured her.

"Thank God, I was worried something had happened just that quick."

"No." Cherie chuckled. "I'm just feeling homesick already."

"Girl, you've been with us your whole life. Enjoy college, make friends, get a boyfriend. Don't sit in that house all day being homesick."

"I'm not extroverted like you Cam."

"I know, but if you don't make friends it's going to be a long four years." Cherie sighed, she knew she was probably right.

"I'll try to make some friends."

"And get a boyfriend maybe?"

"If it happens, I'm not going to look for one."

"Good, do you feel a better now?"

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