Chapter 19

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Cherie held back a sob as Jeremiah embraced her in a hug. They were at the airport and she was about to catch her flight back home. They didn't know when they would be seeing each other again and it made her sad. This was going to be the longest they'd ever been away from each other.

Jeremiah pulled away from her, holding her face in his hands. He wiped her tears with the pads of his thumbs. "Don't cry."

"I can't help it." Cherie sniffled. "I'm going to miss you so much."

"Cherie." Jeremiah engulfed her in a mother bear hug. He couldn't stand to see her cry, it broke his heart. Cherie cried in his arms for a few more minutes before he pulled away once again.

"Baby you're going to miss your flight."

"I can book another one."

"You're getting on this one." He pecked her lips multiple times.

"Neither one of us are going off to war. We're going to see each other again." Cherie nodded, wiping her tears.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Cherie hugged him once more before they shared a passionate kiss.

"See you later." Cherie whispered.

"See you later." Jeremiah placed a kiss to the top of her head.

Jeremiah watched as Cherie got in line to check her bags in. He let out a heavy sigh, turning to go back to his car. He wished there was a way that they wouldn't have to do long distance, but it wasn't. So they were going to have to just deal with it.

Once Cherie made it to her gate she sat down and texted her family and Jeremiah, giving them an update on her whereabouts. Jeremiah FaceTimed her immediately after receiving the text.

"Hello." She answered.

"You good?" Jeremiah questioned.

"Yeah, a little sad, but I'm good." Cherie gave him a small smile.

"That's my girl. I'll buy you a plane ticket to come out here next month." Jeremiah tried to make her feel better.

"That's a long time."

"I know." Cherie's flight began boarding so she decided to end the call.

"I'll call you when I land, I'm about to board."

"I love you."

"I love you too." Cherie smiled before hanging up the phone. She began gathering her things, waiting for her boarding group to be called. When it was called she got up and went to scan her ticket then she headed onto the plane. She sat down, placing her bag under the seat. She then rested her head on the window, she was about to go to sleep for the duration of her flight.

A couple of hours later, Cherie was woken by the impact of the plane hitting the runway. They'd landed safely. She stretched as best as she could then pulled out her phone and turned it off of airplane mode. She texted her sister to let her know she had just landed since she would be the one picking her up.

When Cherie got off the plane she went to baggage claim to wait for her luggage. While waiting she checked her email. Checking her email had become apart of her everyday routine since she'd become a college student. About five minutes later everyone's luggage began to shoot out. Hers ended up being one of the last few.

After getting her luggage, Cherie headed outside to her sister's car. Cameron embraced her in a tight hug.

"I'm glad you had a safe trip."

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