Chapter 16

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"What do you think I should get Jay for his graduation present?" Cherie questioned Kristen as they walked around the mall. Today was Saturday and neither of the girls had anything to do so they'd decided to come to the mall. Kristen just wanted to shop while Cherie wanted to find Jeremiah a graduation present.

"I don't know, maybe some cologne or something." Kristen noticed a nearby jewelry store. "Ou, let's go in the jewelry store." Kristen grabbed Cherie by her wrist pulling her in that direction.

They entered the store and Kristen went straight to the ring section. Cherie gave her a side eye, there was no way Kristen was thinking about marriage right now.

"Don't give me the side eye, I don't plan on getting married right now. I just wanted to look at some rings."

"Mhm." Cherie playfully rolled her eyes, looking at the rings. The rings were pretty, but she didn't see anything she liked for herself. She wanted the band of her wedding ring to be gold since everyone else's was silver.

"I want something like this." Kristen pointed at a ring with a round diamond shape.

"Girl, we did not have to come in here for you to show me that. You could've easily pulled up a picture."

"Why do that when you can see it in the store?" Cherie playfully rolled her eyes before they headed out of the store and started strolling through the mall again.

They decided to go into a shoe store next. Jeremiah was a sneaker head so shoes would be the perfect gift. Cherie looked around the store until she saw a pair of Jordans that caught her eye. Kristen sat down while she looked, she wasn't a sneaker head. Trey or her older brother picked out and bought all of her sneakers. The sneakers that had caught Cherie's eye were the Jackie Robinson dunks that Jeremiah had shown her a picture of a while ago.

Cherie went to get a store associate to ask them would they get a size twelve from the back. While waiting on him to come back she walked over to Kristen.

"You like these?" Cherie questioned.

"Yeah, but you know what they say about buying men shoes." Cherie rolled her eyes. She didn't believe in the silly superstition that a man walked out of your life when you bought them shoes.

"Girl I don't believe in that."

"Alright." Kristen mumbled.

Cherie smiled when the store associate came back with a box of shoes. He made his way over to Cherie and opened the box up for her.

"Perfect." Cherie smiled.

"You ready to check out?"

"Yes." She followed the man to the register and paid for the shoes. After paying her and Kristen headed out of the store.

"Where to next?" Kristen questioned.

"Let's go in here for a minute." Cherie suggested, pointing at the entrance of Victoria Secret.

"You trying to get you some lingerie?" Kristen smirked. Cherie waved her off.

"Girl please, I wouldn't last five seconds wearing some lingerie with Jay."

"Y'all are nasty." Kristen teased. Cherie only smirked in response, not denying it.

Cherie made her way over to the panties to find some she liked. "These are cute." Kristen picked up some lace panties.

"For you or me?"


"I don't like lace panties, they're too itchy."

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