Chapter 2

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Cherie stood in her walk in closet trying to find something to wear. It was the first day of classes and her first class was starting in less than an hour. She wanted to wear something cute and simple. She decided on a pair of ripped boyfriend jeans, a white tank, and some Ben and Jerry dunks. She set the look off with some gold jewelry.

After putting on her clothes she stood in her full size mirror, making sure everything looked okay. Cherie was a short 5'0 curvy girl. She had wide hips, a big butt, d cup breast, and a small stomach pudge.

While in the mirror she began taking her braids out of her 4a type hair that she'd put in last night. Her hair was currently dyed ginger, complimenting her smooth milk chocolate skin. She fixed her hair to her liking then grabbed her tote bag and headed out of the door.

She used Apple Maps on her phone to find her first class which was Math. Math was her favorite subject so she'd chosen to start the day off with that class first. She wanted to start the day off with something positive.

When she reached the building her math class was held in she entered the building, climbing up two flights of stairs and walking down a hallway. By the time she'd reached the classroom the previous class was coming out. Her and a few other students waited until the class was empty to go in.

Cherie sat towards the front, she was near sighted so she needed to be as close as possible so she wouldn't have to strain her eyes too much. Both her mother and father's families had bad eyesight, so it wasn't shocking that she'd inherited the gene. Since kindergarten she'd been wearing glasses.

Shortly after the class' start time the professor came in. He was a tall skinny white man who looked like he was in his fifties. During the class period he went over the syllabus and explained his expectations of the students. After that, class was dismissed.

The rest of Cherie's classes went smooth like the first one. All the professors did was go over the syllabus. It was now a little after 5:00 in the evening and Cherie was at the dining hall. She was waiting in line at Chick-Fil-A contemplating on what to get.

When it was her turn to order she stepped up and ordered her food. She decided to get a twelve count chicken nugget with fries. She decided not to get a drink, she would stick with her water.

When Cherie got her food she headed back to her apartment. She sat down and ate her food then went to take her trash out. Her trash had become full from all of the unpacking she'd down yesterday.

"Hey, I can take it out for you." A boy with long two strand twist offered. He had a caramel complexion and looked to be about 6'2 or a little taller. He had a slim muscular body, built like a wide receiver.

"Thanks." Cherie handed the garbage bag to him, she hated taking out the trash. She'd never had to do such a thing until today. Her father always took their trash out.

"No problem." The boy gave her a smile showcasing his deep dimples. Cherie blushed, turning to go back to her apartment.

"Man she was so bad." Jeremiah licked over his lips.

"How did she look?" Trey questioned.

"She was dark skin, short, thick ass lips, and she was thick." Jeremiah described her.

"And you only took her trash out?" Trey laughed.

"Yeah, we live in the same building. We're going to see each other again eventually."

"What if y'all don't?" Trey held an amused expression on his face.

"Oh trust me, we are." Jeremiah opened the freezer, grabbing some chicken nuggets and fries. He threw them in the air fryer and called his mother while they cooked.

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