Chapter 20

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Cherie sighed as she entered her apartment, dropping her book bag on the floor. She'd just gotten done with her classes for the day and she was exhausted. She made her way to the living room and sat on the couch.

She'd been in school for two weeks and she was miserable. She missed her friends and family. She'd gone home last weekend because she was so lonely. She needed to make some new friends asap, being there by herself was lonely.

While eating her noodles, she texted Jeremiah to see if he'd gotten off of work yet. He should've gotten off about an hour ago, but sometimes he stayed over. She smiled when her phone began ringing from an incoming FaceTime call him.

"Hey." Cherie smiled.

"Hey, what you doing?"

"Eating some noodles. What you doing?"

"Chilling, how was your day?"

"It was okay, the heat drained me." Cherie chuckled. "How was yours?"

"It was pretty good. I'm supposed to be going out for drinks later with a couple of coworkers later."

"That's good, are you driving?"


"Don't drink too much then."

"Yes mother." Jeremiah chuckled.

"I'm serous, I don't want you hurting yourself or anybody else."

"If I get too drunk, I won't drive."


"I promise." Cherie gave him a small smile.

"I miss you." She admitted.

"I miss you too. You still want to come visit later this month?"

"Yeah, but it'll have to be just for the weekend. You know my parents aren't going to let me miss any classes just to come visit."

"I'll take what I can get." Cherie smiled.

"I can't wait to go to In-N-Out."

"You come to Cali one time and get hooked."

"You've literally been like five times since you've been there."

"We talking about you or me right now?"

"We're talking about you."

"Nah, we talking about you."

The two talked on the phone for about an hour before disconnecting. Cherie was now in the bed listening to music while getting some homework done. It was Friday so she wanted to get all of her homework done today so she wouldn't have anything to do over the weekend.

Even though she wouldn't be doing anything but staying in the house cleaning and relaxing, she still didn't want to be bothered with schoolwork.

On the other side of the country, Jeremiah was sitting at a bar with a few of his coworkers. They'd invited him out for drinks, and he'd gladly accepted. This was his first night out in LA and he was hoping he would enjoy it.

"How's LA treating you so far?" Tucker, one of his coworkers questioned. Tucker was a thirty-year-old that was married with two kids. Despite the age difference, he and Jeremiah got along well.

"It's been pretty good, but I can't lie I miss home."

"You miss home, or you miss your girl?" Brad, another coworker questioned.

"Both." Jeremiah chuckled. "It's hard going from seeing someone every day to just being able to talk on the phone."

"I understand, I don't think I could do it honestly." Brad admitted.

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