Chapter 13

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"I have something to tell you." Cherie confessed to her sister.

"What?" Her sister questioned curiously. She was hoping it wasn't anything serious.

"I got on birth control yesterday." Cherie had gone home for a doctor's appointment yesterday and decided to begin taking birth control pills.

"Are you sexually active?" Cameron questioned in a panicked voice.

"No, well me and Jeremiah do things, but we haven't had sex yet. I just wanted to get on it just in case we decide to go all the way." The sexual tension had been growing between her and Jeremiah.

"If y'all do have sex, make sure you use a condom and make sure you are ready. Don't let him pressure you into anything."

"I know that Cameron and I will." Cherie assured her sister.

"I'm serious and make sure he still pulls out. Dad would have a heartache if you brought a baby home. Hell, I probably would too." Cherie laughed.

"I will not be bringing a baby home anytime soon. I can assure you."

"You better not."

"Trust me I won't."

"Good and have you been thinking about losing your virginity or something?"

"A little." Cherie confessed. The head and fingering was pleasuring but she knew it couldn't be as pleasurable as penetration.

"Oh God."

"Hey, you asked."

"I know but I had a little bit of hope that you would say no." Cameron chuckled.

"I'm not a baby anymore Cameron, I have desires." Cherie laughed.

"I know, it can be awkward at times hearing you voice them though."

"I understand." Cherie empathized.

Cameron sighed. "Well, if you have any questions, you know you can ask me."

"I know."

Cherie and her sister talked on the phone for a few more minutes before they hung up from each other. After she hung up from her sister, she got ready for work. Cherie had recently gotten a job at Interprise. Jeremiah had helped her get the job since he previously worked for the company. She'd decided to get a job because she'd been spending money like crazy and she needed some monthly income. While getting ready she played some early 2000s R&B. It was her favorite era of the genre.

Since she'd had already taken a shower and done basic hygiene things earlier, it didn't take her long to get ready. Once she was ready she headed out of the door.

"Hey." Cherie spoke to her coworkers as she entered the building. They spoke back to her then she put her things down and headed up front.

"Has it been busy today?" Cherie asked her coworker Brad.

"No, not really."

"I'm glad, I'm exhausted."

"Long night?"

"Too long, me and Jeremiah had a date night last night and we stayed out so late."

"Ah, I remember those days. Being young and in love." Brad and his wife were high school sweethearts and they'd gone to the same college.

Cherie gave him a small smile. "How is your wife and the kids?" His wife and kids had came up there and her and Cherie instantly clicked. His wife was so sweet and she was a social butterfly. She also worked as a stylist so she'd gotten Cherie's contact information. She had a lot of connections that could help Cherie within interior designing.

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