Chapter twenty nine - A mistake

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-Third person POV-

He throws the glass across the room, the people around him flich as the glass hits the wall, shattering to small pieces "Are you fucking stupid?" he yells.

"I'm sorry sir." his right hand man mumbles, as he stands in the corner, his head low in shame. He did the only thing that was not supposed to be done, he did a mistake, a mistake that might cause him his life. And his boss hates mistakes.

"Do you even understand how stupid the thing you did is? Are you trying to get me caught?" Brad's anger heightens, he walks over to his right hand man, grabbing him from his collar as he gets into his face "Some stupid shit like you shouldn't be alive." he spits.

"Please sir, i'm sorry. I didn't think. I'm sorry." his right hand man panickes, he shakes in fear of what his boss might do to him.

He knows Brad is a ruthless fuck. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. He killed before, it would be easy to kill again. And if he says something, he does it. He's a sociopath.

Brad laughs in his face, if you looked at him you'd think he just heard the funniest thing in his life "Are you a fucking spy, Oliver?"

"Sir, i swear. I didn't mean to send the letters from the warehouse adress. I didn't think, i forgot." Oliver starts shaking. Brad pushes him away, making him land on his ass on the ground. He retrieves his gun and pulls off the safety before pointing it at Oliver.

Oliver starts crying, his hands shaking as he begs forgiveness from his boss "Please, sir please. I have kids, i have a wife, i have a family. Please." he begs.

But Brad's heart has gone cold. He let himself into that dark world until there was no more of him to consume. He is a cold hearted cunt, a psycho. No matter how much you beg him to spare you, he won't care.

"Do i look like i fucking care, Oliver? The police is probably after me right now. Mea gave that letter to the fucking police. Do you think i care that you have kids and a wife?" he yells, getting closer, the gun in his hand and his index finger on the trigger. He looks down at Oliver with disgust, like its not another person's soul in front if him. Oliver's pants gets wet from the fear of losing his life, and Brad scrunches his face in disgust "Did you just fucking piss?" he grits his teeth. This just got him angrier than he was.

"Sir, please." was Oliver's last words before Brad pulled the trigger, the bullet hitting the center of his forhead before he drops dead. The three more people around the room stare at Oliver's body in shock. They knew Brad could kill, but they never witnessed it. This is the second person Brad killed. A victim of his fucked up life.

Turns out Oliver was an innocent man in the past, an innocent soul; all he wanted in life was to take care of his family. To give them a better life. The world was cruel on him, it was hard for him to find a job. Brad took advantage of that when he took him in, offered him a big amount of money. Oliver didn't understand the danger of this job, in his mind all he wanted was to save his family from starvation. He was a deprived man, and he just lost his life for that.

Brad turns to look at the people in the room, not an ounce of remorse on his face "What are you still doing people? Let's fucking go." he shouts. They get on the move. Taking the basics of their stuff before they're on the run again.

Sure enough, the police figured out where the warehouse was because of the letter, but when they got there, it was too late. They were met with Oliver's lifeless body and Brad is no where to be found. The sheriff didn't give up, he was sure that if Brad did escape he wouldn't have gotten so far, so he took his team and went on the road again.

Brad would rather die than let himself get caught. He'd rather kill himself then go to prison because if he does, there is no going out. He's wanted for two murder cases now and domestic violence.

So, if he's going to prison anyway, then he might as well ruin the person behind all of this life more than her already did.

He's going after Mea.


A/N: Lets hold our breaths. Shits about to go down.

Stay beautiful 🤍.

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