Chapter sixteen - Marco

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𓆩 𝓜𝓮𝓪 𓆪

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𓆩 𝓜𝓮𝓪 𓆪

I put my hands up in surrender when the other guy points his gun on my face, he looks terrified now, his hands are shaking. His friend (the guy i hit) is whining on the floor, clutching his stomach in pain. Fucking pussy.

Oops, might hit him a little too hard.

"Honey," my dad stands up, trying to get to me but my eyes widen, shaking my head no, the guy with the gun turns to him, pulling the safety of the gun off to scare my father, wrong move "If you think you're going to scare an old man with death, you better think twice, boy." my father says, no emotions at all. No fear, no anger.. Nothing.

"I-" the guy's hand is shaking so bad, his forehead is dripping with sweat "I didn't even want this! Its all because of him! It because of him." he yells, pointing the gun at his friend who's still on the floor now "All of this is because of your stupid fucking revenge plan." he says, getting closer.

I take a step back, lowering my hand as i watch them "Are you fucking crazy, dude! We agreed we'd get our money back!" the guy on the floor yells. Fear fixed on his face now that the gun is pointed at him.

"NO!" the guy with the gun shouts "You wanted to get the money Navin won back! Because you're a selfish motherfucker who can't accept defeat. He won that money on the race three years ago and you're still chasing it! Fuck man, you put us in trouble." he yells, hands still shaking.

The door to my apartment is kicked open hard, i jump, my head turning to look at the door. I sigh in relief when i see the police.

"Put your gun down!" the police officer yells at the guy.

The guy shakes his head "I'd rather die then go to jail." he says, turning the gun to his temple and in a moment of a blink he pulls the trigger, killing himself. I flich, staying still as blood splatters on my face. I look at the guy who drops to the floor next to my father's feet, a hole in his temple and eyes wide open. A dead body.

"What the fuck!" the guy on the floor screams, crawling away to escape but the police get him, handcuffing his hands.

I stand there still, my eyes not blinking as i stare at my pink shirt with blood dots on it. I can feel the blood on my face, its on my arms as well.

I look over at my father who walks over to me and pulls me to his chest, and i fucking break down.

What the fuck just happened in front of my eyes? A man killed himself in front of me, he didn't even think, he didn't hesitate, he pulled the trigger and ended his life. His blood is still on my skin, he's still on the floor of my living room, a blood bath under his head.

I'm shaking like a leaf when the police asks us to get out of the apartment as they put the crime scene yellow tape around the living room. My father holds me as we get out of the apartment complex, people gathering around the building; probably heard the gun shots. They all watch us as we get to a small bench and sit.

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