Chapter twenty four - Sí

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"Did you find a husband yet?"

I choke on my food, coughing violently as i grab the glass of water and jug it down. I take a deep breath once i place the now empty glass on the table and send a glare my father's way. He sits unbothered, continuing to cut through his food like he said nothing.

What a great day to be back home for the weekend. Always loved coming back to my hometown, my father always welcomed me with open arms and made me feel like i belonged.

Note the sarcasm, please.

I scoff "No papa, i do not need a husband to settle down." i roll my eyes, grabbing my fork again.

"I mean, who's even going to look your way when you have that silver head on yours. Out of all the colors you could have picked." he shakes his head like he has a right to even have an opinion about my hair.

What the fuck ever. I like it, who cares who doesn't? I don't give a shit.

"First of all, i didn't ask for your opinion." i spat.

"Sé respetuoso con tu padre, Talia." my mother jumps in, defending her husband.
(Be respectful to your father, Talia.)

"Estoy siendo respetuoso, mama." i throw back, placing my fork back on the table because guess fucking what? I just lost my appetite.
(I am being respectful, mama.)

"Como el infierno que eres, él está tratando de cuidarte. Además, tiene razón ¿cuándo diablos vas a conseguir un marido? Tienes 28 años, joder."
(Like hell you are. Besides, he's right, when the hell are you going to get a husband? You're fucking 28 years old.)

I groan loudly and smack my hand against the table (probably shouldn't have done that but i don't care at the giving moment) "That's enough." my spanish accent is thicker than ever "I don't want to talk about this bullshit, guys. I came here to have a nice family dinner with y'all and of course that's the first thing you bring up."

"Alright," my brother sighs, taking a sip of his red wine "Let me get you out of your misery and change the subject," his accent is even thicker than mine, sometimes i can't make up the words he say's clearly "How is work?"

Oh shit.

Yes, of course brother. Thank you for changing the subject. Work is really cool, i strip for a living if you haven't caught on that yet.

Ah fuck, what the hell am i supposed to say.

"Uhh, work is going pretty great. The company i work for has a highly reputation in New York. Everything is going well." i clear my throat, cutting through the piece of meat in my plate "How is your business doing?" i turn the subject to him.

It Started In Chaos (Chaos Series, #1)Where stories live. Discover now