Vivid Memory | 2 |

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Whenever Isabella was around Leslie, she felt a sense of security. Whenever his presence is nearby, she felt safe and happy. It was a weird feeling that happened a lot, but she'd ignore it nonetheless. 

Listening to his music was also very securing to her. The way he plucked the strings of his mandolin, and the way he sang beautifully. 

It was a refreshing feeling for her. The sort of feeling that calms you, the sort of feeling that makes you feel complete, the sort of feeling that makes you realize life isn't as bad as it is. 

And she loved that assuring feeling. 

The tree that used to shade them grew as time passed by. Occasionally, bright and vibrant colors would bloom in its branches, making it stand out a lot more. 

That tree can be found in Grace Field High's school grounds, a place where little to no people know of. The area around it was secluded, with almost no buildings or structures and almost no students or teachers. 

Despite standing out, it was also hidden away from the world. Besides (Y/N) and Ray, no other students know of its existence. 

Isabella tends to smile whenever she thinks about her love story with Leslie. It wasn't necessarily romantic, but the time they spent together was definitely worth it all. 

One particular thing that makes the tree so unique in its own way is that it was marked as Isabella and Leslie's. With their initials carved on its trunk, along with the memories they shared, it was truly theirs.

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