chapter 18

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She seems sleep-deprived, Ray notices. The following Monday consists of Ray glancing at (Y/N) from time to time; she's been looking exhausted the whole time. They're currently in their final lesson, a few minutes before lunch commences.

"Psst, (Y/N)." (B/F/N) leans towards her, poking her upper arm to keep her from falling asleep. She flinches awake and blinks rapidly, letting her vision readjust.

"Oh, sorry. What did you say?" She slurs, staring into her eyes.

She chuckles, gently grabbing her shoulder and shaking her, "Why so tired? You're normally excited during this hour."

(Y/N) shrugs, yawning. "It's, um, it's nothing, just didn't get enough sleep last night."

"Oh don't tell me you're in love." She pouts, "If you are, spill."

"No, no thank you."

Ray unintentionally listens to their conversation, thinking about (B/F/N)'s words. The idea soon intrigues him, causing him to rethink about the statements (Y/N) told him during detention.

"Answer me this then, how would you know you are in love?"

"When you can't fall asleep."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Because for once, reality is better than your dreams."

He shakes his head, trying to forget about the past. 'You'll talk to her today. Stop being so rude, you moron.' He curses himself, clenching his teeth. Continuing to ponder about it more, the bell rings and everyone gathers their things, either leaving in a rush or taking their time.

As (B/F/N) attempts to drag her tired friend out of the classroom, she quickly declines and explains to her that she has some things to do. Sighing in defeat, she decides to let her go. They exchange goodbyes.

Ray remains in his seat, debating with himself without realizing that (Y/N)'s figure approaching him.


He snaps back to reality and looks at her. A tired smile trembles on her face, but she still manages to look beautiful in his perspective.

"Talk to me, Ray, what's up?"

lonely | Ray x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now