chapter 24

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The time skipped by, and Friday quickly rolled around. Come to think about it, (Y/N) didn't tell a specific time or where they'd meet, even. And apparently, this gave Ray some doubt and anxiety. 

Out of panic, he took his phone and texted the number (Y/N) gave him a few months back. Honestly, this is the first time he have texted her in a while. Of course, the last text she sent him was an unsent message.

"hey" He types. "when and where are we meeting? if we're even going to meet" He taps the send button and watches his message load, which soon states that it was sent. 

In just a few minutes, a small text bubble appears next to her profile picture, three dots inside it. 

"rayyy :DD" Is what she replies. "lets meet at around uhhhhhhhhh" A deadpan expression meets his face as another speach bubble pops up below the two messages. 

"lets meet at 1 pm !!" 

'A reasonable time.' He thinks as he leaves her on read. 

It was still 9 in the morning, and he's still in his bed, exhausted. He turns off his phone and swipes away the blankets covering his body, stepping out of his bed's frame and heading off to the dining room to eat breakfast. 

He meets his mother in the kitchen and mutters an audible "Good morning." 

She smiles at him and greets him in response, informing him that his meal was already on the table. He nods and heads to the dining room, noticing the almost invisible steam coming out of the bacon and the eggs. Sitting himself down, he stares down at the food as he comes up an excuse to hang out with (Y/N).

He sighs softly. "Mom, can I go out with (Y/N)?" He blurts out the words, quickly realizing what he had uttered. "I, um, not in that way, just uh, like—"

"It's fine Ray." Isabella interrupts, chuckling. "You can hang out with (Y/N), just come back before dinner, okay?" She adds with a smile. 

"Oh, okay." He looks at his meal, admiring the glint that reflects the light above him. Taking the fork that was next to his hand, he cuts off a piece and consumes it. 

The day started off good for Ray. Well, for now, at least. 

lonely | Ray x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum