chapter 16

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The bright screen shines Ray's face as he stares at the digits that were typed in his contacts earlier, feeling lovestruck. The look he's conveying favors such an adoring expression, from his goofy grin to the blush covering his entire face.

The day was quick to end, twilight setting off in the distance. As if time is repeating itself, except (Y/N) is really in his life. And he frankly doesn't mind that, not one bit.

His legs kick back and forth, his sheets wrinkling due to the contact.

Without realizing, he's falling in the cruel, deep pits of love. All because of the girl he used to rival with. Honestly, he never thought she'd be such a great impact in his life. He straight up convinced himself that she'll be an obstacle in the near future.

Perhaps she is, in a way.

"Who do you think your soulmate is?"

"I don't have anyone in mind, at the moment."

'I change my mind. I've never realized it until now, but it's you, (Y/N).'

lonely | Ray x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now