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Kingley's POV

What the hell just happened? Shit! This is so messed up, Dom has to come back. He has to come back fast. How do I start explaining that? This is so messed up.

I have worked for Dom and his family for as long as I can remember. His mother took us in when my dad wanted to kill us and she gave us shelter when everyone else was too afraid too.

They made sure I went to the best schools money could buy and when collage came, they didn't hesitate to send me to Harvard. They have taught me all I know and more. I was taught self defense when I turned 16 and by 18, I could handle a gun. At the age of 23, I could battle in hand combat, or with any weapon blindfolded.

My senses where sharpened during my training on those battle grounds and not a single day I wanted to give up. I pushed myself with every ounce of energy I could accumulate and I came up top of my class with Dom following than Johnathan.

Those two were always younger than me, but they'd always want to beat me off course. So it was always interesting to train because they always came back for a challenge. But I never backed down too. I always fought with all I had because when war came, it wouldn't be easy on you just because you a girl.

Montero had the hardest training out of all of us. He was the Don's heir after all, the one who would lead one day. Where we would train only 3 hours a day, for him it was 6 hours. He perfected every art of death there was. At the age of 17, he had his first kill and at 19, guttered his first guy. By 21, he perfected skinning people alive while he kept them alive as long as possible, so they could feel the pain.

And by 23, he could fight in all sorts of way even I couldn't. He became a killing machine one that was unstoppable when he started. That earned him the nickname war machine because he could kill with anything presented in front of him and his memory was so good he could remember almost everything in a room for only staying in it for ten minutes, at most that is.

His hearing was enhanced and he could recognize so many sounds from afar. He could use all sorts of guns but his most favorite was a sniper. He said it made him feel relaxed and at home.

Although I would train more because I wanted to be good, he trained more because the future of the family was in his hands. He eliminated any threatens before he could even take the throne. By the age of 25, he had ruled both the underground world and the business world. He was recognized as the most ruthless man in both worlds.

No one dared to mess with him nor his family because he could kill anything in his wake, including your pets. He would always leave the kids though. Always kept them alive, and sent them to foster homes. When I had asked him why he never killed them, he said they didn't deserve to die for faults they couldn't control. But the logic of it didn't make sense if the kids came back for revenge.

He then said he would kill them too if they chose the same path. But the real reason he never killed them was to show that he still had a beating heart and it still showed compassion. He once told me if he started killing kids, his heart was no longer human and he had turned into a monster no one could salvage.

At 26, he took over the throne and he met the love of his life, but also the same woman who would break his heart in to pieces no one could fix. He met Maria Green.

A wild freckled chick with wavey red hair and Jade blue eyes. Hers was a combination of crazy and everyone could see that. But she wasn't after the money. I think maybe that's why she was so likeable. She also came from a family of wealth, and money was as common as cents to her.

She wasn't a bad influencer too. She was always kind and bubbly, had a sense of humor of a child and her heart could melt yours. She always wore bright colors because they made everything pop.

That's how she explained it when we asked her anyways. But I think Dom really fell in love with her because she was all the pure there was in the world. Being with her reminded him that there were still angels who could see good in him and that angel was her.

Her innocence was what drew him closer to her. With her, he wanted to be a good man, a better man. At 27, Dom was ready to call her his wife and he proposed to her under the stars of Maldives.

Everyone was happy. She knew the life we lived and since her dad was in the trade, it would strengthen the families too. It was a good deal, one that could never hurt anyone.

On Dom's 28th birthday party though, she broke it off, said he loved the brother and had already married him. And it started to make sense as to why she kept prolonging the wedding. Dom wanted to do it as soon as possible, but she kept delaying it.

After that, pretty much alot of her confusing behavior that she'd had done whenever the brother was around, made sense. How she would parade herself, always wanting to be by his side and not Dom's.

And that was the end of happy Dom. He was never himself after that. And I believe a piece of him died that day. The day she chose to walk of his life. The last remaining part of his heart died when she left. And I think after that, he believed no one could save him, no one could stay if they really saw who he was. And that scared him.

Knowing that he couldn't be better. So he chose to shut the world away and became more ruthless. He even started killing children without hesitation. His heart has become stone cold, it didn't have a human heartbeat anymore.

He changed girls like a pair of socks and he killed guys like it was a game of sports. His life had become a bore. A constant of inflicting pain to one individual to another. Whether it be women at night, or men during the day, to him, it was all the same.

Then came Kalani. She changed everything. She turned everything upside down and for a second, he removed the high walls he had built around himself. Although it was just for a night, a certain part of him started to beat.

And the fact that he took care of her after she went to hospital was a huge deal. But off course, he would mess things up, thinking he is all ruthless, but the truth was, he was too scared to let anyone in, just in case he would get hurt again.

But when he decided to sleep with her without protection, that was him already giving himself to her without neither of them being aware of it. And when he told me about her, I saw a sparkle of who he was back before his heart was broken.

But when I found out she was pregnant, I knew then, that things had already went south. I couldn't help him out of this one, even if I tried.

He himself couldn't get out off it too. As much as he killed children, it terrified him that he would actually have his kids. When he started to come around to accept the fact that he was going to have a family of his own, she got kidnapped and he got shot.

Well when things got to that point, a whole lot of eish kind went siral. The girl, Evelyn I think, also got shot, his mom was already sick and they later, they themselves go into a car accident just two weeks after being shot.

It seriously couldn't get worser than that, but it did. Johnathan now thinks I'm his wife, while my husband is in other ward checking up on his patients.

How I the world do I start explaining this to Dom?

**********************************************My lovely humans.😘😍😍

I'm here yet again, adding yet another chapter to my collection 😘😘😘 hoping y'all are good and lively and amazing. I don't think I was kidding when I said I will update until the 30th, still having hope that I will participate in the wattys.

The main reason for the chapter was for y'all to know about Kingley's life but I think it kinda shifted to Montero so fast I just let it continue. Hopefully, next chapter I'll try to sqeeze it in so y'all can have a certain understanding as to where Johnathan got his makes believe life. And I know I didn't include Roman's brother in his history, but he will have his own POV since his story deserves a whole chapter. But I hope this chapter was ok and I will be back for more.😛😛😛

Loving y'all much ❤️💕💕

And your comments and votes make my day.😘😘😘

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