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Kalani's Pov

When I woke up, I was wrapped up in white linens and there were a lot of pillows around me. I removed the pillows away from my face only to realize that this room looked like the one I got locked in. Then the flashbacks of yesterday came back like a flood.

"Hi Miss Kalani, I am Mr. Montero." At that instant, I froze. So this was the guy I wasn't supposed to mess with. Oh, I am dead.

I am so dead.

He smiled at me and I saw the most perfect smile. His teeth were so white and straight, that he felt like a daydream. He closed the door behind him and came closer. My head registered that this was probably a bad guy, so I started moving back.

"Miss Kalani I won't hurt you." He assured me.

"Sir... I... it's a mistake. I. I did-didn't mean to" I was shaking and I couldn't even conjure up a proper sentence.

"Shhhhhh... it's ok. I won't hurt you." He smiled.

Damn that smile though...

Get your head out of the gutter Kalani. This man is probably thinking of killing you, and all you thinking of is his perfect teeth. I shook my head to return to reality.

"I...I got lost. I wanted to use the toilet badly and I got directed to this room. I am sorry sir." I tried explaining, still moving back, him coming closer.

"I said it ok Kalani." He then walked past me and went to the bar stand.

"Would you like something to drink?" He asked me.

"No. I don't drink." I turned to look at him.

"Drink one to calm your nerves." He poured one for me and handed it over.

"O...kay." I walked to him and I took the whiskey he gave me and I drank. As much as it was strong, it calmed me down more than nothing.

Kalani's POV

What the hell happened yesterday? I only remember drinking that one glass of whiskey, then what? As I tried to shift move, my legs were sore. Well more like, my private part was.

When I pulled the covers away from my body, I realized that I was naked. And I wasn't even wearing a panty. What the hell!! Oh gosh, this can't be happening.

I need to be a virgin. I have to be.

Oh no...

I tried standing up, but that was also sore. Oh gosh... I can't, this can't be happening.

As I was panicking, sitting on the bed and looking for my clothes, I started to cry. This can't be happening.

What have I done? What will my parents say, what will Luke say, or even Kolini? As I was crying, someone entered.

I looked up and saw Mr. Montero standing. What was he doing here? Then I remembered, this was his suite. Then what the hell was I doing here?

"What am I doing here?" I asked, not looking up.

"What do you mean?" He stopped walking.

"Why...why am I naked in your bed?" I asked to stutter.

"We had sex." He just said. Without emotion and without caring. And to say I was shocked, would be an understatement.

I couldn't speak, I couldn't even breathe. There this guy was, not caring about the world that we just had sex. To him it was just sex, he didn't care that he just took my most priceless possession.

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