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Evelyn's POV
When I got to the hospital, I saw Claudia and Johnathan walking towards the cafeteria chatting like old buddies.

What was Claudia and Johnathan doing here??

And yes, I knew them both because at one time, we went to this gala and I met Claudia and she has this whiney voice, but I could tell, she seems like a kind woman.

Maybe they came to see someone.

I wonder who it is. Oh well, it's non of my business anyways.

When I got the Kalani's room, I saw someone bending talking to her. But I don't know what shocked me more, whether it was the fact that Kalani was awake or the fact that Kalani was awake.

I mean, how is this hospital even operating? Aren't they supposed to tell someone that the patient is awake? Maybe it's kalani's brother. But how would he get here so fast? How did he know that Kalani was awake? Which begs the question, when did Kalani wake up??

As excited to met my best friend, the moment I entered the room, I knew, it was freaking Mr Montero, threathing my friend. I mean really, she's awake and the first thing she comes back too is his threats?? Oh hell no.

“So here is the deal-” like the hell his making deals.

“Like hell there is a deal.” I stopped him. “I am tired of you Montero,” I said as I walked closer with my heels leaving an echo sound that didn't go unnoticed.

“I am tired of you hurting my friend again and again and again. Don't you get tired of it all??” and I halted, the moment I saw Kalani. With her eyes opened and her belly as cute as ever, I just ran to her and I hugged the life that I had breathing in me.

I hugged her and I looked at her, crying, mind you, and kissing her all over her face.

“You awake.” I kept whispering. “you awake.”

In that moment, I didn't care about Montero or him being the Don or King or whatever, Kalani was awake.

And she has a chance to fight and she is ok. Her babies are ok. Thank God.

“Babies...” she said smiling, “you pressing me to hard.” she continued.

“Sorry.” I said smiling while crying. “Don't ever do that ok?” I hit her arm. “You had me scared to death. I was worried sick about you. And the time you went on a coma, I....I... I just couldn't bare it so I was admitted too.” I said in a more softer voice.

At this Kalani looked at me with horror.

“I'm sooo sorry. I'm sorry.” she kept saying.

“Hey it's ok.” I went and I held her hand. “It's ok. So long as you are ok and the babies are good.”

And at the mention of babies, I remembered that I still had to deal with Montero.

“You...” I turned around and I slapped him. And it felt good. For a second I chose to forget who he was but just a sperm donor, a good supplier at that, who just happened to be entangled with my best friend.

He placed his hand where I slapped him and he just smiled. And I was terrified.

Shit, shit, shit. What did I just do?? I could pee myself in 2.0 seconds if I didn't move back to Kalani and hold her hand. We were both shocked at what I just did. Kalani just placed her hand on her mouth and looked at me.

What was I thinking?? Oh goodness I'm such an idiot. I thought to myself. A very dead idiot. And now that I knew who he was, there was no denying it.

“I....we-” I tried explaining.

“Miss Evelyn,” he stopped me. “you have a very bad habit of showing up unannounced. And very bad habit of hitting me,” he said smiling, but more in a, 'I'm angry I can kill you right now voice'. “you also have a bad habit of bad manners. Didn't daddy teach you anything?” and he said moving closer to me while talking.

Before I could even defend my dad, he continued.

“But that,” he said,“ that ends today.”

He then grabbed my chin and lifted it up so I can was I had eye contact with him.

“You don't know who I really am. And it's gonna hurt when I come after you and your pretty little-”

“please stop.” Kalani interrupted. She said it so softly, it felt like a whisper. “you hurting her, and I'm begging you, please stop.” she said more softly.

When I looked at Kalani, I saw she had tears in her eyes and they kept falling like they have been, for the longest of time. Mr Montero looked at her and for a moment, their eyes locked and his face softened. And when I say it was for a milisecond, it literally was for a millisecond. Then his face when back to stoic again.

“Well then, he let go of me,“since the mother of my kids begged, I will let you go.” he said smiling. And you could tell it was a victory smile. Like he owned us and he could do anything at any given moment and it wouldn't matter to him because he would still win. Whatever the challenge was. And I hated him more for it. That he could be here trying to think he could make all of this go away, just because he can.

I hated him more for drugging Kalani and I hated myself even more for letting her go to that damn club.

Mr Montero turned to leave and when he was at the door, I couldn't help but wonder, why did he do it?? Why would he drug a girl, Kalani to be exact, when he could have anyone he wanted at any moment?


Because he has money. I thought. No, that wouldn't be it. Could it?

So I asked.

“ Why did you do it??” he stopped and he looked at me. I sweezed kalani's hand for assurance, hoping I wasn't opening Pandora's box.

What am I thinking? I had already opened the damn box. Might as well look inside.

“Pardon?” he asked, looking at me sideways.

“Why did you drug her? I can't seem to get it? Why would you drug her, take her virginity, only to deny it the very next morning.” I said more boldly. He just smiled. The nerve he has, oh, the shit I'm about to say to him will cost me more than my life that's for sure.  But before I did, he continued.

“Oh that's where you wrong, I would never drug a lady, no matter how crazy or whatever you think I'm, I like pleasure to be felted, not the other way around.”

As explicit as the sounded, it sounded true. I looked at Kalani, and she turned her head to the other side and I could see tears falling. And I felt bad. Really bad that I asked in front of her because to her, it always comes back. And this time, as always, it's my fault.

But wait, if Montero didn't drug her, who did?

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