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Montero's POV

She just looked at me with both shock and pain. And I didn't want her to be like that. I didn't want her to cry or be sad.

I just wanted her to be happy and I had hoped that me coming here, would at least give her some reason to forgive me.

"No I don't understand." She replied. "When you say you kill people just because you want me to be safe, you want us to be safe, that is not what I want you to do. I just want you to take me out of here and I just want to go home. I'm tired ok? I am tired. And all I want to do is go home. I want to soak myself in hot water and I wanna wash out all this pain, hurt and all this blood that I have all over me. I just want all of it out you understand? I need you to make all of this go away but you keep adding fuel to the fire and I just I want all of this to stop. So please, please let him go." She whispered.

Tears just kept falling down her cheeks and for the first time I saw how much pain it had caused her. How much confusion, anger and guilt she had to carry and for the first time, I saw how awful it was being stuck in the middle of a world that didn't belong to you.

A world that you were never met to see. But seeing this world, my world, she had to understand that there were some things that people did and they didn't get a pardon. They didn't deserve a pardon. Because they had to understand that messing with the Don was a life threat that would hang over their families for over four generations.

"Baby, I need you to understand that I need to keep you safe from all the bad guys there are in the world, and I cannot do that if you keep letting them live." I tried explaining it to her.

" It's not for you to decide who dies and who lives. Someone else's life is not in your hands to control. Even if you know how to use a gun, it is not up to you to decide somebody else's fate. Do you understand that? Do you understand what I'm saying to you?" I stood up and I exhaled. Clearly this was proving to be really hard to explain to her.

" Off course their lives and the fate does not belong to me. But the moment they hurt, or so touch what belongs to me, it becomes my problem and automatically their lives,- and everything they've worked for, is handed to me. And if I am put it in your words, their fate becomes what I decide for to be." I turned away, trying to contain my anger.

" But I don't belong to you Montero. I don't belong to you or anybody else for that matter. I am my own woman, and so are these babies that I'm carrying." She reasoned.

"I know that. What I was trying to say is-"

She interrupted me by saying, "I promised myself that if you came for us, I would forgive you." She whispered truthfully, looking at her lap while playing with her hands. "I thought that it was because of you that I was here." She continued.

My eyes soften and I lowered my hand and I looked at her.

"I thought that it was because of your enemies that I was here, and in pain. But seven told me otherwise and I decided to give you a chance because maybe you deserve a second chance. That's what everybody needs. Why can't you give that man a chance the same way that I'm giving you a chance to make up for the wrongs that you did?" She asked.

"Baby I-"

She cut me and continued, " You killing people makes me scared of you." She looked up, trying to contain her tears. She looked back down and continued, "And when you keep killing people, I don't know how to react. I don't know if you are capable of hurting me, of hurting us-" she looked away.

"I would never." I whispered. I came back and knelt before her, "No matter what you think of me, those babies that you carry, and you yourself, take more importance in this world. In my my world. You are important. So very much important. You and those babies. And I would never lay a finger on you to hurt you and them." I assured her.

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