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Kalani's POV

After my waterfall saga in Montero's office, he decided to take me home, or shall I say my new home, which was the penthouse a he promised. It was manly, I could give you that.

His house was dominant of black and grey, but I have to say, I was impressed. The contract of colors blending into each was simply amazing. I slept, and when I woke up, he was gone. Seven was seating near the bed, waiting for me to wake up.

The moment I opened my eyes he started talking .

“Finally you awake. I was bored. The tv was worse. All they talk about is the Montero's and Liam who is missing and the police still wanting your statement. It's a mess really, and I just want-.”

When he said the last part, my heart stopped for a second.

“We can please not talk about that at the moment." I interrupted him.

" I'm not in the mood for police talk.” I spoke truthfully, trying to seat up. Seven saw that I wanted to seat up, and he helped me by pulling me up. He then helped me stand up and and we walked the the kitchen and he started fixing me a meal.

“I didn't know you were a chef.” I joked, trying to sit properly.

“Yea well, before I worked for Steffano, I worked at a bakery and the served the most amazing breakfast and I just got the privilege to learn how to bake and cook.” He smiled as if reminiscing. Suddenly there was knock, I hurriedly went to open the door, thinking it was Eva.

"Finally you here, I got-" suddenly I halted, looking at two officers who had rather big smiles on their faces.

Miss Kalani, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." The one reached out to hand shake me.

"Well I can't say the feeling is mutual." I muttered.

"Pardon?" The one, who's badge name was Mark inquired.

Officer, how may I help you?” I tried pretended that I wanted to day exactly that in the most kindest voice I could conjure because I knew, my blood was running cold.

“May we can in, we have much to discuss?” I squeezed the door handle, annoyed, scared and freaked out.

“Sure.” I smiled, opening the door wide so they could enter. They entered and you could see they were in awe of how beautiful the house was.

“Wow, you got yourself a nice crib.” They smiled impressed.

“Yea what can I say, Montero is one rich guy.” I sat down on the couch while they were still standing, looking around. “So officers, what do can I do for you this afternoon?” I asked politely.

“Well we believe you haven't taken your statement and we would like ask you a few questions." They sat down.

"Sure. Ask away." I casually answered. Deep down I was freaking out. In times like these, I needed Montero close. I knew these cops could intimidate me and I didn't want to slip in any form.

"So the kidnap, what can you tell us about it?" They asked.

My chest suddenly felt like someone was pressing on it, leaving me breathless. I tried my breathing exercises, but it wasn't working. The question was so sudden that in a second, I just thought of everything that I had to go through. Being shot, being strangled, almost being raped and the dead bodies that I saw when I was being rescued. It was just so much to handle.

When the officers saw that I was hyperventilating, one them stood up, the one who's badge I didn't get to read, and came to me. In that moment, Seven came in with a plate of food and when he saw me in that state, he dropped the plate of food and rushed to me.

I then heard him say, "What did you do to her?" He looked at them while patting my back.

"We just asked about the kidnap." The officer that was next to me said, somewhat trying to defend themselves.

"Montero..." I whispered.

"What?" Seven came closer.

"I need Montero." I repeated. Seven immediately ran out the room to fetch my phone. He opened it, speed dialed Montero's number, and he gave it to me. On it's second he answered.

"Are you ok?" He asked. I could hear worry in his voice.

"No..." I whispered. That's all I needed to say to know he was on his way.

Montero's POV (Before the phone call)

"As you see, although our budget was $1 million for the year, it kinda exceeded because we lost some shareholders due to... uhmmm..." Naomi started to stutter.

"Continue." I looked at her. This meeting has been going on for ages, and I was pretty tired. I wondered how Kalani was doing. Had she eaten, were the babies treating her ok, was she relaxing? At this, I smiled, oblivious to anything else.

"Until Miss Kalani went missing." I heard Kalani's name and suddenly looked up and she looked down.

"Pardon?" I asked. Not because I was annoyed or angry, but because I really didn't hear. I only heard Kalani's name and it just caught my attention.

"Until Miss Kalani went missing sir." She repeated in a lower voice.

"Yea, I can't hear that Naomi." I sat back.

But before she could repeat, my phone rang. I know it was rude and unprofessional, but I was worried about Kalani in case something bad happened and I could get to her easily. When I checked the caller id, it was Kalani. I immediately raised my hand for Naomi to stop and I picked up.

"Are you ok?" I was worried. I was worried because I told Kalani to phone only when it was an emergency.

"No..." she whispered. That was enough to have me out of my seat, immediately taking  blazer and sprinting out the room. I met Felix along the way. He didn't ask where we were going, but just followed. The ride going downstairs was the longest lift ride I have ever had. I kept tapping my fingers on my thigh. Felix saw I was anxious, he slowly moved away from me.

When we got to the car, Felix immediately rushed to the driver's seat.

"Felix move!" I demanded. I needed to get to Kalani fast and him driving is gonna take ages.

"Pardon me sir, but if you really want to get to Miss Kalani, I suggest you let me drive. I'll do all I can to get there as fast as we can. But if I let you drive in that state sir, we might as well get ready to crash." He confidently continued.

"How did you know I was going to Kalani?" I asked.

Was I getting too predictable?

"You have worry written all over your face. And she's the only one with that effect on you. And after seeing her feisty self, I understood why you fell for her. Y'all share the same attitude and between us, she's the only one who can tame you." He smiled as if mocking me.

"Ok stop talking just drive." I then took the passenger seat and Felix started driving.

And when he started driving, for a second I understood why alot of people didn't like going with Felix. He drove like he was mad. Within minutes we were at the penthouse and I immediately ran out and I took the private lift.

When I got to the penthouse, I took out my gun and went in guns blazing out. But the moment I saw Kalani hyperventilating, I dropped my gun and when to her.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Breathe." She whispered and clenched to her chest. "I can't breathe." She repeated. I held her hand and pulled her close. I then looked up to see who in the room. I then saw two officers and immediately my blood started boiling.

"What did you do to her?" I gritted my teeth, snarling.

Well someone's angry.

Hey guys.

I'm back. I'm currently watching a new series and I'm writing. So I'm hoping to be doing alot. I hope this chapter is ok.

And without further ado, I will love and leave y'all.

Remember: this author loves y'all 💕💕💞💞

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