Special Chapter

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Kalani's POV

Three days later.

After Montero's confession, I thought it was only fair to return the truth. Well that's when I woke up anyways.

When I opened my eyes, it was really quite in the room. The first thing I noticed though, my eyes didn't feel sensitive to light. When I looked around, the room felt like home. The curtains were from Montero's penthouse, the blanket, was the one I bought two weeks back. And the interior somehow just felt homey. I sat up to look at the room carefully.

The was a comfortable grey couch set enough for eight people. There was also a mini kitchen with literally everything you need in an emergency. There were even black pots. I swear it looked like someone's apartment. The dominant colors where black and grey. I knew right there, Montero was the one who chose these.

I internally smiled. I was happy. He put so much to make me feel at home.

"Girl you best believe that man when he said he loved you." Hilary chimed.

I blushed, looking down and I played with my hand.

Alot of people came to visit me and I was both happy that some people still cared that I lived. Eva, Seven and Montero were the ones who stayed with me the most.

During this time, Montero barely slept. I could hear it in his voice. It was tired. The babies where giving him a hard time. Half the time they were crying. There was a moment were his best friend and sister came to visit and babysit with him.

My heart broke that he was doing this alone when I swore I going to do it with him.

I stood up and I saw Montero in what looked like a whole bed in the far corner of the room. Next to the bed were four cribs. Three of which were blue and one was pink.

My heart swelled up and I started walking slowly towards them. The stitches hurt like hell and every step I took, I hissed. I stopped ever two steps to take a breathe.

Finally I got to them.

I looked at my babies and my heart stopped. Never have I ever seen such beauty. My little girl was quitely playing as if not to wake up her daddy. She had the most beautiful sea blue eyes and her face was cutely cubby. She even had a dimple when she was smiling. My heart swelled with love and my eyes filled with tears.

I slowly reached out my hand to touch her cheek . Hers was the softest cheeks I have ever touched. I slowly caressed her and she giggled in the most cutest little way I have ever heard.

My little Eawa. I smiled as tears started falling
"I love you baby." I whispered.

I went through the second crib and there laid a replica of me in boy form. He had sandy brown hair like Montero's, but my olive skin and my hazel eyes. I chuckled still softly crying.

I didn't want to wake Montero up. He looked tired. He even had bags under his eyes.

When I looked at my baby boy, he started clapping and making a cutest baby noises. My smile widen.

"You are going to be momma's Enzo. Go lead the world baby." I whispered, reaching to caress his cheeks too. He had the leader look and Enzo was a name deserving for him.

My second baby boy had Montero's grey eyes, his sandy hair and I just knew he was going to Montero's replica in every way. Especially the attitude.

"You gonna be momma's Charlie ok?" I whispered to him too, caressing him too. He just made this small baby smirk. Gosh I swore for a second, I saw Montero in him.

Yep, his Montero's son.

I then went to my last boy. He had the softest brown eyes that could hold hearts at captive and a very warm smile. I could tell he was going to be the peacemaker of all of them.

"Be a peacemaker momma's baby Paxton ok?" I whispered, taking his tiny hand and kissing it.

When I stood up and looked at the four cribs, I swore I would love nothing more than them. I would give my whole beating heart to save them.

I then walked to Montero who was still sleeping. When I got to side he was sleeping in, I slowly went down, trying kneeling down, but I think Montero heard or felt the shuffling and he eyes immediately popped open.

When he saw it was me, he immediately pulled me into a hug, burying his head in my neck taking my scent in.

Although it hurt because he was squeezing me, I didn't mind. It was worth the pain. I hugged him back, holding on to him like dear life.

"Gosh I missed you." He whispered in my ear. I smiled, snuggling closer to him.

"I missed you more." I replied. We eventually pulled away from the hug and we looked at each other. Really looked at each other. Montero slowly pulled my neck closer to him and he slowly kissed my lips.

The kiss was tender and sweet, filled with a hint of whiskey and mint. He then pulled away and said, "Don't ever do that again. You hear me? You scared us to death." He reprimanded me. Trying to look angry at me. I smiled nodding.

I then pulled away from his arms, took his hands and I knelt down with my left knee.

"What are you doing?" He asked, confusion written all over his face.

"I'm saying yes." I replied. He looked at me as if processing what I was saying. I then continued, "Marry me Montero. Marry me and I'll never have to search for another to love. Marry me and I promise to make you breakfast every morning." He smiled and I continued confidently.

"Marry me and I promise to gladly cuddle with you when we sleep." I moved closer so he could hear me more clearly.

Gosh I was nervous.

"Marry me and I'll gladly be the mother of your children. Even if it's ten more of them." He chuckled, smirking. I pulled his hands to my closer and I kissed them both. "And marry me because I love you too. I love you now and I love you always, ok?" I whispered, repeating what he said three days ago.

I slowly pulled me up and replied, "Off course I would marry you."

"Shut up and kiss me." I commanded.

"Yes ma'am." He obliged.

And as our lips crashed into each other, I smiled internally knowing,  I wouldn't trade this moment for anything in the world. I was happy, with my fiance and my unexpected quadruplets.

I did this last chapter under a reader request who wasn't happy with that ending.

So this is the last last ending I promise. I hope it's at it's best. My love you dear readers is beyond the stars💞💞💞

I love you❣️❣️❣️

We are together bulletproof...💜💜💜
We are, we are forever bulletproof 💜💜💜

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