You Again!?!

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July 3, 2000

He wasn't really sure what he was doing.

Stalking a girl based on one piece of information was weird, William was aware of this. But there was something so compelling about Jaclyn Webber; something special about her, something modest, something genuinely kind. That's probably how he ended up standing in front of the Royal Ballet School watching for her.

In the swarm of girls leaving the school not one stood out amongst the gaping and whispering girls. A few stopped to say hi only to rush off giggling, and he responded the best he could thankful they weren't jumping him.


You know how people say the world freezes? Well it actually did because every person from the building to sidewalk froze and gaped at Jaclyn. She didn't drop into a curtsy or even use the proper title, but while they all seemed appalled he found himself grinning, she didn't have to curtsy after all.

Still oblivious, thankfully, she grinned up at him delighted to see him through her confusion.

If it weren't for her owl like eyes William would've believed her to be a different girl. Her waves that had frizzed in the heat were cemented tightly to her head swooping back into a perfect cinnamon roll bun. Not a hair was out of place. A black sweater crossed across her chest ending in a perfect bow at her waist overlapping with a short blue unwrinkled skirt, lying over pristine pink tights.

She barely moved, fingers no longer fidgeting, chin lifted opening up her posture more than it had been last week.

Glancing around he was starting to understand, this was her area of expertise.

"Are you free?" William asked having to lean over to whisper not wanting the crowd of dancers to overhear. "Of course, I just got out of class so I might-" Jaclyn started to ramble and he smiled.

The hiss coming from the girls behind them stopped her, "What is she doing?"

"Americans," another girl scoffed there was pride in her tone. These girls had no right to treat her like this, it wasn't their right to know what was going on between him and her, but he couldn't snap like he wanted to. Politely asking them to be nice would probably even be spun around and used against him and maybe her.

"Follow me?" Jaclyn's head nodded riggedly, and then without another word she ducked and pushed through the girls. Once a few blocks away she turned to ask him, "what are you doing here?" They weren't angry words, or furious he had embarrassed her, but ones that matched the bashful excitement that painted her cheeks.

"I'm leaving tomorrow for Belize, and I wanted to see you again." Her gentle grin contradicted the furrow in her brow. "You could've called, Nat and Zara have my number," she laughed lightly and good naturedly.

Truth be told he didn't want his cousins teasing him in front of the rest of his family, the princesses of York especially had no shame. The night of his birthday all his cousins had stayed at St. James, and the next morning a newspaper had been taped to his door.

Mystery Mistress?

The title had been matched with an obscure photo from his birthday of the back of Jackie's head, but William might as well have been staring right at the lense.

"You're going to train with the Welsh Guard right?" She asked pulling him from his thoughts, instantly he involuntarily nodded. "Yes, I'll be back at the beginning of September but," he paused considering his words, "I couldn't leave without seeing you again."

Confusion still clouded her mind, but the idea of being somewhere with a guy she barely knew, while scary, seemed exhilarating. How odd?


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