Shock Factor

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March 4, 2013

The ribbon snips and the walls within RBC shake from the excited chatter and clapping. Only a few cameras have been allowed in, but everyone from the company elite to the youngest White Lodge student have shoved themselves into the lobby for the opening. The ribbon is more symbolic than anything, an opening to a new chapter.

Everyone claps and politely cheers, but the kids are being restrained to keep them from running up to the front ahead of everyone else. A line of chairs sits across the one wall with the company's past president, their biggest donors, and Charles who's the company's president. Jaclyn meets his eyes as she makes her way to the podium because he's the safest person there.

She's given speeches before, and by speeches she means two, but this one she has to be smart. She's personally involved, but people can't know that. She's worked hard to craft how people view her, and Kate and her have worked to keep a lot of it in the dark. Only revealing the most important parts at the most important times.

The pearl bracelet jingles on her wrist, and she twists it once her hands are hidden. Bile that she wants to gulp down rises until her throat burns, and her heart takes off in a speeding trot. "Thank you for joining us in the opening of the Monica Mason Health Suite, named in honor of our very own Monica Mason." Jaclyn pauses for everyone to applaud for the old director. Despite all the headaches Jaclyn gave the poor woman, she preens under the attention and dips her head for the duchess.

"The work Director O'Hare and Dr. Retter have done here is revolutionary, and I've seen over the last few months what a passion project this is for them. I was once in your position," she pauses looking up from her cards to look at the dancers in the back. "A dancer goes into their career alone, ready to advocate and protect themselves, but you don't have to be alone anymore. The health suite is here to give everyone the strength and stability they need to maintain a long career. Dance is a strenuous but beautiful art, and with help of psychological prep and understanding the bodies recovery process the dancers here will be better for it. I can only hope other companies will be encouraged to embrace these modern practices as well."

The applause is once again polite and Dr. Retter takes her place at the podium, continuing on with a speech that's much more scientific and explanatory. When everyone is released to look around Charles comes straight to her. "I need a special tour," he laughs.

The cameras follow them the most through the health suite, reporters writing down any little thing they say. A few tweens come up to her, hands locked behind their backs and sugary sweet smiles plastered on as they ask for help with the gyrotonic machines.

She helps them with positioning their wrists and ankles through the resistance bands, and leads them through a series of positions focusing on port de bras of the arms. The snaps from the cameras disrupt the natural ambiance, but whenever the kids tense and look behind them she tries her best to center their energy around her smile and encouraging words.

"Now what is the benefit of these workouts?" Charles asks, turning to give one of the boys a high five

"So gyrotonics was actually started by Juliu Horvath a dancer in Romania, and it's meant to prevent injuries through increasing range of motion so dancers stop relying on their hyperextension or other bad muscle habits. It equally improves alignment, balance and strength in a way that is catered to dancers by utilizing isometric, concentric, and eccentric contractions."

For a second Charles looks shocked, it's miniscule, he only protracts his chin while the corner of his one brow presses down. He didn't expect her to know all that, even the reporter is looking at her with parted lips and her now cracked pencil pressed to the pad of paper.

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