Like the Sun Has the Moon

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Walking back down the aisle is easier.

Maybe it's because she's done it. She's said the vows, got all his names in the right order, managed not to faint. Maybe it's because William is walking beside her and they leave together as man and wife. Duke and Duchess. Maybe it's because she notices more of her friends on the way out whereas coming in she saw so many daunting important people.

Kate and Charlie. Thomas and Arthur. Zara and Mike. Their genuine pride is intoxicating in the best way and it lifts her spirits.

Jaclyn stops to curtsy to the Queen. It's lower than she would usually go, but her back remains lifted and she's kind of obsessed with the way her gown pools around her. William's grandmother, who is often so hard to read, smiles ever slightly under the wide brimmed yellow hat. Which is approval enough for her.

Outside the Abbey a carriage is waiting, four white horses pulling it along while men in fancy uniforms stand watch. It could've been a scene straight from a fairytale if it weren't for the waves of shouts that mixed with the clicks of cameras.

Before hopping into the carriage William slipped on the cap that went with his uniform and Jaclyn paused. Now was not the time to moon over how sexy her husband looked with the cap on. She was going to get in the carriage like a normal person and not blush like a fool. Not in front of two billion people.

"Are you alright?" William asked, taking her hands to balance her as Natania adjusted the train behind her. She nodded lip between her teeth to stop from saying something embarrassing.

Her attention was stolen from her husband by the softest intake of panicked breath. To the side of the carriage, where her attention snaps, Caleb's sensory headphones have fallen off and rolled under the carriage. She can only imagine what it must feel like to go from peace to chaos with a surprising jerk, and she nearly moves to ease his hyperventilating when Alice jumps into action.

Her hands cover his ears while little Tom Pettifer helps Natania retrieve the headphones, but it's only when they're placed securely back on Caleb's head that Jaclyn fully relaxes into the bench beside Will.

"Hey, you asked them to help for a reason," he soothed his hand tracing over the lower part of her exposed arm. It's a brief touch, a blink and you'll miss it comfort, but the warmth lingers in a familiar way that has more of the tension flooding her body.

Once they're moving William grins at her. "Alright darling wave to your people." William's words feel a little absurd, but she complies, easily turning on her bright smile.

Like he has so often lately, William marvels at how naturally it comes to her. She was a performer, raised and trained for the stage, and while the acting was similar the scale was completely different. She looked every part the duchess she now was, smiling bashfully while the diamond roses of her crown glimmered in the sun rays.

Adoration surrounded them as the carriage took off, and as they waved William made sure to secretly grasp his wife's hand every few minutes. More for his comfort than hers. The simple look they shared briefly before they turned back caused his heart to twist.

"Mrs. Cambridge, I love you," he whispered. When she turned to him this time her cheeks were rosier, her eyes lighter and matching the endless sky behind her. At first it seemed she was transfixed by his declaration, and unable to express anything when her words softly echoed his.

"And I love you, Mr. Cambridge."

Once inside Buckingham Palace they're whisked off to the Throne Room for pictures. It takes longer than expected, and despite there being no clock Jaclyn knows. She knows by the growing jitters that crawl up the walls of the palace from the awaiting crowd outside.

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