Big News

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July 31, 2012

The energy emitting from Greenwich Park is electrifying, the stands of people watching with anxious anticipation as all their athletes complete the newly built course.

Jaclyn's vibrating as the event starts. The stands are alive around her with spectators from all across the world. William is on her one side and Harry is on the other which makes for interesting commentary. Despite the amount of times she's watched Zara compete or practice Jaclyn still doesn't understand equestrian.

She knows the basics, don't knock anything over, and finish the course in time. That's it

"You know people are still asking me if it was really granny that jumped from the helicopter," Harry laughs, his eyes still watching the German jockey racing across the course below them.

Jaclyn nods, "Yeah that was all any of the athletes could talk about today when I went to visit them earlier."

"I don't know about you guys but I've been telling people that it was actually her that jumped."

"Of course you have." Jaclyn rolls her eyes, lightly shoving Harry. Below them the last jockey for the German team finishes the course and the stadium breaks out into excited applause with several German words being exchanged across the open air.

Jaclyn watches as team Great Britain lines the waiting pit, dressed in their crisp uniforms and sharp hats. Zara's missing among them, already atop her horse. Even distanced Jaclyn watches as Zara's eyes follow the course, calculating the momentum and timing she'll need to execute each jump properly.

The sun, now straight above with a goal to burn them, turns Jaclyn's skin until she feels aflame. Taking off her jacket, leaving her only in the tight Olympics shirt and jeans Jaclyn leans over to William, her voice lowering as her nose brushed his ear. "What are we looking at?"

He only huffs, a smile gracing his lips as he scans the scores and rankings from the past two days laid out on the large boards. The mental math races to the point that numbers flash through his eyes as he blinks

"They can place, but to get the gold it's going to require near perfect runs." She nods along, mumbling her praises and cheers for Zara under breath to keep from shouting them. This isn't a backwater football game in Villa Grove. There's no watered mud flying, no obnoxious band playing flat sixties songs, and no screaming and shouting from the Royal spectators.

Her clapping turns softer as High Kingdom starts to make his rounds around the course in a well paced trot. It always amazes Jaclyn how Zara could appear so unbothered, the obstacles were a challenge, a dare someone threw at her feet. Not only did she have to complete the task, but she had to do so while controlling another living creature.

"You should probably learn the different rules for certain sports," William whispers now in her ear, close enough to breathe goosebumps along her neck.

"Why do you think I have you?"

The bronze colored horse, with his fur reflecting in the light, takes off, and Jaclyn leans to rest her elbows on her knees. She remembers her mom saying how she used to try and take her anxiety away and store it in her instead. That it was the responsibility of a mother to do so, and Jaclyn grips the metal stands to keep her from pulling attention to her stomach.

She focuses on Zara, feeling her mother's words deeply, and trying to apply the feeling. Envisioning the anxiety wafting through the air towards her surprisingly helps, and if it were more than her imagination she would easily saddle the burden for her friend. Finally after so many years her friend is taking on what could be the biggest challenge of her career.

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