Are You a Winner?

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May 15, 2007

She couldn't help but slump over in her lesson with Lady Mountbatten. Usually the woman's sharp eyes alone would have been enough to keep her sitting up straight. Add on the fact that they were meeting in the Mountbatten estate, she should have been more alert, but her double show the night before, and then waking before the sun itself... Well she was exhausted.

"Jaclyn, have you heard a single thing I've said?"

She gulped, still not sitting up, and smiled sheepishly up at the menacing woman. "I expect more of you at this point," The Countess tisked disapprovingly, and this time Jaclyn did manage to muster the energy to look ashamed.

"I'm sorry Lady Mountbatten it's just..." A yawn broke her statement proving her point exactly. Still the Countess did not look impressed. "Tired are we?"

"Very, but I'm eager to continue learning about table manners."

"We're discussing your accent and pronunciations."

Jaclyn cringed, mumbling a quick apology, but Lady Mountbatten brushed her off. "Why must I work on how I pronounce things anyways?" Another yawn almost escaped, but she bit it down even with her face contorting.

"Trust me it matters, the last thing you want is for one of your children to pick up on your accent, and say something ridiculous in public like, mom can I go to the bathroom." The last part was said in the most awful American accent that Jaclyn doubled over laughing. She was kind of surprised the older woman allowed it, more than that she was surprised she was looking down at her fondly.

"Yes laugh, I know how stressed you've been. Besides, your speech instructor says you're improving nicely. He even commends how hard you've been working on your Welsh."

She relaxed eyes gazing out the beautiful glass pane windows. The house was magnificent, standing tall and strong, but the land was what caught her eye upon arrival. Rolling bright green land cast farther than the eye could see, and towering trees that were as old as the country.

The landscape was so enrapturing she almost didn't notice the Countess excuse herself when one of the maids stepped into the drawing room.

When she returned she held a parcel outstretched in both her hands, eyeing it warily as if it would attack. With shaking hands she placed it down, but her body hovered over it.

"Are you alright Ma'am?" Jaclyn asked, standing to gently approach the older woman.

"Quite." Her voice was stern washed clean of it's earlier cheer, and the single word spoke millions. She wanted to leave the subject at that.


"Jaclyn we have things to focus on," she chided with a deep wavering breath. Jaclyn didn't know if she was wearing the woman out or the newly arrived object was at this point, but she did know minutes ago they were having a good time and enjoying themselves. So what happened.

Her hands reached out, a brief relapse of judgment, but she quickly pulled back. Words would have to do seeing as she wasn't bold enough to actually physically comfort the woman. "Clearly this object is bothering you, you can talk to me."

"I'm trying to protect you."

Like it was the hardest thing she had endured, Lady Mountbatten sat down on the stiff velvet sofa. Now it was her eyes that looked out on the estate that lay outside the windows. In her sorrowful expression was a story of pain that continued and continued. Hardly moving and without turning she gestured for Jaclyn to sit beside her.

"Royal life is cruel, as you know, but there are things I hope you never have to understand." The parcel from her fingers to her lap, a crucifying glare set on the image object, and Jaclyn could feel her worry digging a deeper pit with each second.

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