Our Star Crossed Love

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This picture isn't from Margot's last performance, that'll make sense later, but it's one of few clear pictures.

Also if you want to get emotional while reading listen to Rewrite The Stars before (or during if you're able to multitask.) 😉


April 15, 2005

Early the next morning just as the sun rose William woke up with Jaclyn in fetal position at his side. They were both still on the ground, and he cringed thinking she would have to dance tonight. Carefully he lifted her up in his arms, grinning fondly as she turned into his chest like a rag doll, and situated her on the bed.

After stretching out his own stiff back he found the ice bucket she had tossed aside the night before planning on making a makeshift ice pack somehow. However, his eyes caught sight of an opened letter the Opera House's seal front and center.

He shouldn't have even considered looking at it, but the mumbles Jaclyn made while she was asleep told him she would never know. It wasn't right, but his curiosity got the best of him.

Dear, Jaclyn Amalia Webber

He skimmed the first half of the letter none of it of importance, but stopped on the last sentence.

The Royal Ballet Company would like to offer you the position of principal dancer for the 2005 to 2006 season with a one year contract open for renewals.

In his surprise William let the bucket plummet to the ground, and Jaclyn shot up like a rocket. William watched, in a daze himself, as she looked around confused and bleary but soon saw what he was holding.

If she were drained of any energy before it quickly surged back through her.

"William I can explain-"

"You're coming back," he dropped the letter striding to where she stood, but was surprised to see his smile did not reflect on her. As he reached to hold her arms she dodged his advances. Any air was sucked from the room, and the relaxation she felt the previous night vanished. She could no longer ignore what was happening in her life. For a second she thought of how great last night was, but good things always come to an end.

Jaclyn had read the letter Miss. Lewis gave her immediately, but just as quickly discarded it in a panic. She had reason for staying away because she could not get back into the Royal Ballet, but now it was taken away from her and deep inside she was scared to death. People would question why she would turn down a job as a principal when she was just a soloist, but let them wonder.

She was doing it for him.

"I don't think so," she breathed back turning to him. Confined in the tiny drab hotel room, a gray filter of clouds diluting the natural light from the sun.

She could only think of the people who hated her, of what he had to do, how different their lives had to be. She had to do this for him, for her, no matter how much it broke her. William was hopelessly romantic, clearly blinded to everything that could go wrong, and she refused to let him ruin his future for her.

"But, if you came back," and she nearly shattered to pieces with his next words, "we could be together again. I thought you wanted that? Last night-"

"Last night," she covered her mouth holding back any unwanted sobs, "was just talk. Talk that happens in the late hours of the night when you're so tired your heart runs rampant with your dreams, it doesn't actually mean anything."

He shot around, his words quick. "So you do want to be together?"

Her hands shot outwards, her face blended disbelief and pain, "of course, I do. I've never felt this way with someone, but... You're going to be king one day and... My greatness ends at the stage." He turned from her, trying to hide his anger, but she saw his white knuckles comb through his hair.

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