The Introduction

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February 21, 2011

As far as official engagements go this ranks among the most personal. This being Prince William's first official engagement with fiance Jaclyn Webber. With confidence in her stride this was Webber easing her way into public life after a decade of being shielded from public engagements.

Spectators noted that Webber, decked out in Welsh dragon red, was relaxed and clearly happy to partake in the ceremony. Webber also sang the national anthem in memorized Welsh, but it's known that she's been learning for years.

As the couple launched the lifeboat they launched their future public life together, and after years of building to this moment another relationship begins. That of Jaclyn Webber and the general public. Clearly the public warms to Jaclyn, some a little too much ;)

Sky News


Jaclyn despite the chills running over her cheeks and the wind that tore at her hair smiles out at the crowd of people gathered on the promenade in Anglesey. Some are there for the lifeboat itself, but more are there to catch a glimpse of her first engagement. To see how she fares.

The sky is gray above her, but Anglesey is anything but dreary. It's a charming oceanside town that she's in love with already. The air is fresh in a way that London's never is, and if it weren't for the hundreds of eyes carefully watching her it would most likely feel intimate.

She grasps the champagne bottle close to her chest, and listens as William finishes his speech. Beyond his head are the people packed tightly together in blankets and coats behind the barriers. Kate whispered as they were leaving that two thousand people showed up, but the more Jaclyn thought about it the more it made sense.

William often stayed in Anglesey while training with Search and Rescue. The local inn was a second home, and he swore by the burger bar that was somewhere in the valley. Not only was he their prince, but he was a local they cared for so much.

"It also gives me huge pleasure to be introducing to this relationship, here and now, someone who not only is about to join the family, but is also about to become a local to the area." The crowd cheered and Jaclyn's smile stretched, cheeks burning brighter and not just from the cold. In the weeks following her retirement they decided that buying a house in Anglesey while Will finished his training would be best. It would give them time to figure out marriage away from the public with a few years as an almost normal couple.

Kensington would be the official place for their offices and all work related things, but whichever house they chose in Anglesey would be their home. Much to their surprise Charles and The Queen were completely on board with the idea, it was smart to have the future Prince and Princess of Wales actually living in Wales, at least for a while.

"Now," her focus returned as William turned to smile at her. "I'm going to do the talking bit, and she's going to do the fun bit." She feigned insult, dropping her lips into a playful shocked O, but could not hold onto the facade for long as her laughter broke through.

"It now gives us pleasure to name this new lifeboat Hereford Endeavor. May God bless her and all that sail in her." The crowd cheers, and Jaclyn pours the bubbling champagne over the orange boat beside her. It's a small task, but she feels oddly accomplished and can't keep from smiling as she does.

From there she's ushered to meet with a few officials and shake their hands. The wind is biting but it's not as distracting as the pit in her stomach as they start the walkabout. She wants these people to like her, to know she truly cares for Wales. That was why, as silly as it was, she insisted on wearing red for her first appearance in the country. Poor Kate had run around the city trying to find a new and appropriate fascinator for the old dress they had picked out.

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