The World is Too Much

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June 24, 2018

Her hands turn white as she grips the bars for balance. Walking is getting easier, but still she feels like a child being taught all over again. Sometimes her legs will numb and she'll fall over, or her ankles will roll out from underneath her.

"You're doing great. There's no need to rush anything." William is hovering behind her unnecessarily, but she doesn't tell him or his awaiting hands to move.

"I heard Jamie this morning,” she takes another heavy step, “Buckingham won't let me leave until I'm walking on my own, and it's a PR nightmare out there.”

“I just don't want you to push it.” Static erupts over her right leg and imaginary pins stick themselves into her foot as her weight shifts. Through the holes in the drawn blinds light floods the floor, and she tries to focus there. It's early, so early the light is fresh and they haven't dared to turn on the actual lights.

But she has to do this. Get back her strength and recover, and she has to do it before NICU visiting hours start so she can then be with her babies.

She finally reaches the end of the bars, and with a tight grip she manages to turn so she's facing William. He's closer than she suspected, their chests nearly touching with his heartbeat leaping out to meet hers. “William I'm an ex-professional ballerina, pushing it is in my DNA.” Her eyes glance up at him through her lashes, and her smirk is a bandaid for her numbing leg.

William opens his mouth to retaliate, leaning in the slightest bit, but the door's thrown open.

“Your Highnesses-” Catherine Quinn, Jaclyn's press secretary, stops herself in the door seeing their proximity. In an attempt to put some space between them Jaclyn takes a step back forgetting her numb leg.

She doesn't quite feel the pain of her bone rolling out of her hip, her skin too numb to truly feel anything, but she hears the pop.

William leaps forward, stress settled across his face, and his arms wrap around her waist and back just before she falls. She exhales a shaky breath, hands curling in his shirt to pull herself further away from the floor.

“What is it, Catherine?” She calls from over William's shoulder as he settles them down. Catherine is shifting nervously, odd for someone usually so bold. It unsettles Jaclyn so much she doesn't feel her hip fall back in. She's too focused on deciding her secretary, trying to fix the problem before she hears it.

“Um- I'm afraid there's bad news. Operation Westminster Bridge leaked to the press.”


Just when we all thought the Duchess of Cambridge's situation couldn't get any stranger it has. Many will know that Jaclyn Webber has been missing from the public eye for months, having only made two appearances since March.

Late Friday night she was rushed to the hospital secretly, and news since has been scarce. The traditional board was posted Saturday afternoon announcing the birth of England's first royal twins, and it was followed by a statement from Kensington Palace explaining briefly that the Duchess was recovering from a postpartum hemorrhage.

Like wildfire rumors spread across the world, the most popular being that the duchess died and the palace was trying to find a way to cover it up. After three months of being kept in the dark people took to the streets lining the gates of royal residences with flowers, cards, and stuffed animals.

"I never thought I would be back here," Susan, a 50 year old teacher expressed sadly. Susan similarly stood in front of Kensington following princess Diana's crash twenty one years earlier. "We're all praying for a different outcome. For those poor children."

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