It's Like A Sport

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Duchess Steps Out

Amid rumors claiming Jaclyn Webber and Prince William, would not be attending the wedding of Thomas Branson and Arthur Limon the Duchess has stepped out.

Arm in arm with her long time friend and once dance partner Thomas Branson himself, the two took to the town spending the day shopping for the wedding if speculations are to be believed. And to top the whole thing off they didn't let the rain deter them, walking with a brightly colored rainbow umbrella.

This seems to finally answer the question that's been on all of our minds for the last two months. The Duke and Duchess will be going to the wedding, making them the first royals to attend a gay wedding.

About two months ago what most assumed was a done deal was questioned when whispers from Buckingham Palace started suggesting the Duke and Duchess were already booked. Soon after a close source to the couple confirmed such whispers were false, and to push the truth further both Jaclyn and William were spotted out. Jaclyn shopping and William at what looked to be a bachelor party.


July 1, 2017

Jaclyn sits tall, hands gracefully folded in her lap. Across from her Prime Minister Theresa May smiles, but she knows politicians enough to understand that anything and everything can be a trick to disarm her. William is beside her equally as poised, and if she's not mistaken she swears the Queen is hiding a bemused smirk.

They're dressed for stalking or horseback riding, ready to start their reprieve from work now that the Balmoral air is circulating around them. But work has not been dropped yet, and not all in attendance seem ready to surrender to the idea of a vacation.

May appears to be more prepared for a trip to Downing than a barbeque in the woods. .

But summer is heating up the tall windows of the drawing room, though a fire still burns wood to ash in the fireplace at their feet. The kids are somewhere outside being entertained by their cousins, but the last glum looks she got from them before Harry pulled them outside are seared in her mind. Little piercing blue eyes branded her, unable to understand why work had to happen on vacation.

"Thank you again for meeting with me to discuss your tour. Off the record, of course." May's tone lurches with her add on like she doesn't trust them to remember this detail.
Jaclyn turns slightly to William trying to see if he's catching onto the same things she is from the corner of her eye.

He is, of course.

"Our relations with the other EU nations are… tense. You two are very popular wherever you get sent, and every tour is marked as a success. While you are in France I don't want anyone to mention Brexit. I want relations between the two countries to be better than ever."  The smile she flashes overcompensates for the things she can't say, and it pulls her down.

Jaclyn follows along the best she can while trying to banish sour thoughts from her head. Oliging and agreeing, but it's a chore to focus when all she feels is an overwhelming sense of pity for the woman across from her. Jaclyn doesn't understand the need for Brexit, and even though she tries to silence such thoughts warning alarms blare in her head. Still, it's clear the driving force behind the policy is waning and losing steam. It's a fight the tories have been pushing for over a year, and the longer it takes the more support May's losing.

"Inevitably someone will try to get your stance on Brexit. As far as the world, as far as I'm concerned actually, you don't have one."

The Queen staunchly nods. Not even the family are aware of her Brexit opinions, Jaclyn sometimes thinks not even Philip knows. She sits up straighter, adjusting the large wire glasses on her nose to read over the clipboard on the coffee table. "You'll arrive at the embassy to meet the president where William will give a speech."

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