Oh Baby

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"It's been reported that the Duchess of Cambridge was secretly admitted to St. Mary's hospital late yesterday afternoon. We've been told it's Spontaneous Rupture of Membranes which can become serious, but a palace representative has told us that both mom and baby are doing fine."

"Now this is a very different situation to past royal births. Never before have the media not been set up, and no one knows how long they'll be there. The duchess could have the baby now or it could be weeks, and most likely the baby will have to stay in the NICU. There are hundreds of cameras out there right now, some news channels from all over the world

"What's jaw dropping is that this baby will be third in line to the throne guaranteeing this baby will be a global icon. With The Perth Agreement, which is still a bill that is being worked on in parliament, it was agreed that on principle any child born after October 28, 2011 cannot be pushed aside for a younger male relative. Now succession is solely based on birth order and not gender.

"There's a lot of interest in this baby, and the nation is ready to celebrate. It's been reported that three million bottles of champagne have been bought over the last two days, and tourists from all over the world because they are global icons. William being Diana's son and being known as her successor with people, and people all around the world are in love with Jaclyn.


December 27, 2012

That first day and night in the hospital was a blur. He remembers images and moments, as they flash through his mind through the night and into the next day.

Speeding back to London making a three hour journey in record time. Jaclyn had sat next to him, stone faced and pale, gripping the door handle with enough strength to make her hand tremble. Every time he asked her if she was in pain she solemnly shook her head while her other hand rested over her bump as if holding on to it.

He remembers running in through the back, the team of professionals already assembled and whisking her away. They managed to make it inside before the press were tipped off, but within the hour rushes of people were madly scrambling to sit outside Lindo Wing.

He remembers Dr. Setchell's downcast voice. "It's spontaneous rupture of membranes meaning there's very little amniotic fluid left around the baby," he said, and then the debates started.

Most took place in the hall or in the corner as all the doctors, nurses, and midwives looked over clipboards. Without the amniotic fluid protecting it the baby was at risk of infection, but the bigger threat loomed over Jaclyn. Inducing labor seemed like the best option, since the baby had a ninety percent chance of survival at twenty-nine weeks. But women with EDS hardly responded well to the drugs needed to induce.

So they sat for hours, her sheet like hand clasped in his and listened helplessly. No one wanted to lose her, but it was clear that most of the doctors, who had reputations to uphold, were more concerned with keeping the baby alive. Afterall the last heir to have died after birth had been William IV's daughter nearly two hundred years ago.

A helpless feeling clouds over them, entwining through his veins until it's overwhelming. It's a miracle he's kept his cool, perhaps it's Jaclyn's shaking hand, or silent pleas, but he wants to challenge them all. Desperately, wants to demand that they care about his wife too, but he can't. Because they do care about her, they just care slightly more about the baby, and he can't fault them for that because she does too.

He feels like a bad father and a bad husband at the same time, and it's eating away at his heart until he's slumped over at her bedside. Unable to do anything, but not sure what he would do if he could.

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