Someone Unexpected

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June 5, 2005

Jaclyn supposed there were a few good things about her.

There were some people out there that would have lost themselves altogether going through what she did, but Jaclyn lost herself in dance. So going back she slipped into rehearsals seamlessly, and now her third show as a soloist with POB was coming to an end, and being one of the evil stepsisters allowed her to showcase a side of her dancing not often seen.

As the applause continued in the audience Jaclyn made her way backstage wishing to rub at the lime green eyeshadow and deep rosy blush caked on her face. The point was to make her look atrocious, but it seemed to itch more than normal.

For weeks the show had kept her busy, but now with it done Jaclyn slumped backstage with the rest of the cast. Drained and in desperate need of sleep.

"You were lovely tonight, Clementine," Joseph mumbled, calling her by her characters name, as Jaclyn crept up behind him resting her chin on his shoulder. He was entirely focused on cleaning up his small workplace tucked backstage where he flipped all the switches for the lights, and she was content to watch.

"If Eva catches you back here-"

"Oh, let her try to run me off," Jaclyn giggled, rolling get eyes at the mention of their uptight stage manager who despised when the dancers "dwindled" backstage.

"We both know you are only trying to avoid talking to Madame." Joseph turned, leaning lightly against his podium with the light board, his hands switching to rest on her hips. Jaclyn pouted arms snaked around his shoulders as the lights backstage slowly flickered off.

"I am not."

"You've been talking for weeks about inquiring whether you will get promoted in the concours," he pointed out, brushing up his glasses. With only his small lamp on as a light a golden halo lit Jaclyn, allowing him to see her slouch just the slightest bit.

His voice firm, he said, "you deserve it too." It was impossible for her to blush more with the amount of color adorning her cheeks, but her eyes closed bashfully, her grin turned lopsided, and her head tipped down as if used to hiding her shyness.

"It's like you don't see the other girls on stage," she whispered. The girls who were older with more experience. The ones clearly more qualified, but Joseph shook his head, brown curls that had fallen messily as the night went on, burnt with gold in little light.

"I don't think anyone sees the other girls if you are near."

"You're obligated to say that," she deadpanned. Her french accent slipped the more tired she got, but Joseph still understood her words completely.

He ignored her statement. "If you do not ask then you may regret it forever." In his mind he knew a no from the Opera House could change Jaclyn's decision, and he wouldn't blame her. She had to follow the opportunities, and how they aligned.

Silence fell over them like the dark of backstage, only a few stage hands here and there making noise. Finally he said, rather teasingly, "I think you should keep this look," he snickered gesturing to her pigmented make up and crazy nearly falling out hair.

And Jaclyn laughed with him.

"Webber, Duris is that you?" It was the sharp and clipped accent of their stage manager, and her heavy footsteps followed. Jaclyn smacked a hand over her mouth to stop her laughter, and Joseph flicked his light off. They swept onto the dark stage, ducking into the wings as Eva passed them into the operators work space.

Only when she left huffing swears in french did they both start to laugh again. Dropping to the floor side by side covered by the larger props in the dark. Jaclyn smacked his shoulder trying to contain herself, and Joseph curled over head falling into her lap.

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