The Return

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June 21, 2005

Jaclyn's first thought upon stepping outside was that London was warmer than she remembered. Her hands tugged at the sweatshirt hood that was pulled up over her curls. It felt like the atmosphere wanted her to peel away her ill attempt at a disguise.

Still she made her way over to the car, tipping her sunglasses so the driver could get a better look at her face. He grinned slightly pulling down his own sunglasses, "it's good to see you again Miss Webber," he leaned and whispered.

"It's good to see you too, Robert." The man had always been the one that chauffered her around when it came to hanging out with William since she didn't have a car. Well... she still didn't have a car.

The car ride was mostly silent with Jaclyn taking in every little detail that had shifted in London. Even though she had been here a little over a month ago that was to perform there had been no time to soak it all in. Now though she was back permanently even if William wanted nothing do to with her The Royal Ballet had already confirmed she would be a starting principal in the next season. She was here to stay.

For two weeks Jaclyn sat on the ultimatum. It felt wrong to go back so quickly, but then her heart pleaded that she had already been waiting for four years. She had already waited long enough.

It would be a bold faced lie to say her hands did not tremble as Clarence House came into view.

"His Royal Highness will be most pleased to see you, Ms. Webber," Robert piped up from the drivers seat. His eyes had found hers in the rearview mirror, and Jaclyn tried to force a smile, but it felt contorted and false. "I don't know about that, he was really hurt." Usually she wouldn't say anything, but she trusted this man with her life, and she knew he respected her unlike some of the other staff memebers. 

"Oh, you haven't seen him, miss."

That statement didn't do anything to ease the turning sickness building within her.


Camilla stood beside her husband anticipating the young woman's entrance, and when she did the duchess exhaled her smile now genuine. All of Williams descriptios of Jaclyn had hit the nail on the head. A part of her was worried that it was just William's infatuation, that the girl would really waltz in like she owned the place in triumph.

But here she was nervously pulling at her sweatshirt, some band on it that Camilla wasn't familiar with, and she glowed. Her eyes were corageous not turning down in front of Charles and her, but the rest of her twitched and she looked uncomfortable as the staff pulled her single suitcase in. 

"Your Royal Highness's," she curtsied and the wavers in her body did not seep into her voice. Charles beamed, giving his wifes hand a relieved squeeze. He had been so anxious for Jaclyn's arrival because all he wanted was for William to be happy again. "Jaclyn, it is lovely to see you again. This is my wife Camilla."

Camilla sucked in a small breath extending her hand to the young girl, but she couldn't help the nerves that plagued her. Jaclyn was an american, they had a habit of painting her a certain way in their admiration for Diana. There were things in her past that she wasn't proud of, and that was why she always stayed stilent and allowed people to critize her. But she wasn't sure how she would handle William's possible girlfriend hating her.

"It's lovely to meet you," Jaclyn gushed, shaking Camilla's hand eagerly. There was nothing malicious or false in her voice, it was pure kindness, and Camilla grasped her other hand over Jaclyn's.

"I promise I won't be staying long. After I talk with William I'll be out-"

"Don't feel rushed to leave dear," Camilla interjected, "it'll proably be best you stay here until you decide to go public that you've returned."

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