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We got a Taekook selca after almost 3 years! Their live was also great, we got to hear them singing Never Not together. Who would've thought? I can die in peace now!


Taehyung's not so peaceful sleep got disrupted by the rays of sunshine falling onto his beautiful face. He was pretty sure that he had moved his bed in an angle that the sunlight would not fall onto him but somehow it still found a way to do so this morning.

Groaning, Taehyung turned around on his bed and tried going back to sleep which would not be something difficult to do usually. However, today, something felt different about his bed. It felt a lot harder than the one he had gone to sleep on.

It was still morning, yet nothing seemed to be going his way. This was going to be a hard day.

After struggling for a few minutes to try to go back to sleep, the boy found out that he was unable to do so. He let out a last groan and finally opened his eyes. At first, he thought his eyes were not working properly but then he rubbed them a few times and he was still seeing the same thing.

This room he was in was not his, at least not the one he had slept in the previous night. His heart rate increased as panic rose in him. Where am I ? Have I been kidnapped? Are there some murderers who are about to come and kill me?

He frantically scanned his surroundings and calmed down a little as he recognised the room. Yes, Taehyung was quite dramatic but it was still true that he was such a heavy sleeper that he would not even know if he was being kidnapped in his sleep.

The boy remained confused. He knew that room, but he hadn't been in here for a few years now. It was his bedroom in the dorm they had back in 2017 or 2018 if he recalled correctly. Was he carried in here by the boys while he was sleeping?

He looked down at his pyjamas and noticed they were not the one he was wearing the night before. Taehyung was beyond confused and couldn't comprehend what had happened in a single night.

It was not until he frustratedly ran a hand through his hair that he felt truly panicked. It felt shorter than the hair that he had been determined to keep long for a while. Did someone pull a prank on him and cut his hair?! If he found out who did that, he was going to kill them! No one touches his hair without his permission!

Taehyung then let his eyes wander around the room which only increased his state of confusion. All his belongings were arranged there, well in place as if he was currently living there. What the hell is going on?!


My eyes widened upon noticing the wall decorated with pictures taken with my family and the boys. There were also some with my Hwarang hyungs as well as others taken with ARMYs at the end of our concerts. They were stuck to the wall in the same way that it was in our old dorm.

What was even more peculiar was that there seemed to be a lot of photos missing. The ones from the past 3 years, to be exact. These were my most precious memories from the time I moved to Seoul until around 2017.

I got up from the bed and walked over to the wall, examining them more closely. There were some from 2017 missing actually. For instance the ones we took at the end of our comeback stage at Music Bank or the ones with our backup dancers at the end of award shows.

As I took a good look around the room, it looked like I had been living in there when I clearly wasn't. I opened my closet only to find this huge collection of ties I had back when I was obsessed with them hanging there neatly. My eyes then travelled to the mirror and I let out a piercing scream.

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