Chapter 38 : Goodbye

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I do not own KnB

That day was the last time they saw Kuroko so energized. Kuroko's condition has declined at a rapid pace. He has started to vomited and have nausea throughout the day. His appetite decreased critically where he only accepts water to eat his medicines. Almost every day, he had seizures and confusion. Double vision always disturbs him in the morning accompanied by the dizzy cycles. Worries about Kuroko's declining condition, everyone has stopped going to school. They kept accompanied Kuroko every single time by taking a turn.There a limitation access in one time which allows only 3 people able to stay. Akashi has rent a room near the hospital, thinking that it's easy for them to go in and out of the hospital. With Kuroko's declining condition, no one can sit leisurely now.

Kuroko is sleeping on the bed while Kagami, Murasakibara, and Momoi are silencing themselves ever since they changed their shift with Riko, Furihata, and Kise. Kagami is standing next to the window, Murasakibara is playing with Nigou's fur while Momoi is changing the withered flower with a new one in the white vase. They afraid to accept the fact that Kuroko will die as they keep on begging for another chance to amend their promise to him to play basketball with Kuroko again.

Momoi sits on the chair as she finished changing the flower. She observes Kuroko's face and her face brighten up when Kuroko's show the signs of waking up. "Tetsu-kun?"

A sudden sound from Momoi snapped Kagami and Murasakibara from their own thought. They turn to Kuroko, who starts to blinks his eyes.

Kuroko turns his head to the source of the voice and smiles tiredly "Ohayo". His voice sounds wet and raspy.

"Ohayo Tetsu-kun, how are you feeling?" Momoi reaches Kuroko's hand as warm smile plastering on her face.

"..Tired" Kuroko grips Momoi's hand but its lack of energy. His body keeps on fighting the tumor leaving him weaker than before. Even raising his hand is a hard thing to do lately.

"You should rest more" Kagami walks toward Kuroko.

Kuroko turns to Kagami and replies "But everyone will be here in the noon. I can't keep on sleeping"

"It's okay Kurochin. Everyone will understand" Murasakibara gets up from the chair and puts Nigou next to Kuroko. Nigou looks at his master with a sad look. It too has been quiet and well behaves by the time it inside the hospital. It doesn't want to cause any trouble for his master.

"Nigou.. come here" Kuroko calls Nigou to come closer to his face. Without any sound, Nigou obeys.

With hardship, Kuroko raises his hand and pats on Nigou's head. Nigou closes his eyes, enjoying his master's patting. However, after few seconds, Kuroko grips his fur harshly, causing the husky to whimper.

Momoi force Kuroko to open his grip on Nigou by opening one by one of Kuroko's fingers. Kuroko never has the intention to hurting Nigou unless he is in pain. She observes Kuroko's face and found that Kuroko is holding up his pain, proving her deduction." Tetsu-kun, is your head hurt again?"

Murasakibara picks Nigou back, brushes the place where Kuroko gripped while looking at Kuroko in concern.

Kagami lends his hand for Kuroko to grips it. Although it's giving him pain but for Kuroko, he will withstand it as this is one of the ways of telling Kuroko that he always be there for him. Momoi gets few pills and picks a glass of water for Kuroko.

Kagami helps Kuroko to get up by supporting Kuroko's limping body with his strong hand. Kuroko's eyes are still tightly closed, bearing the unbearable pain at the back of his head. A small whimper escapes from Kuroko's pale lips.

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