Chapter 32 : Hopeless

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The cover picture will help you getting rid of the sad feeling. XD

Three hours have passed since Kuroko collapsed. Kuroko's heart has stopped beating when they reach the hospital. However, the doctor managed to save his life by supplying him with the life support immediately as they managed to make his heart beating back. How thankful the others feel when they heard the good news. However, the doctor expecting something has triggered this accident. Either the tumour has spread to other place or grown too big. The risk of having more than one tumour is high for someone who already reaches the last stage. They start to worry. If there is more than one tumour means that Kuroko will be more suffering. Just why, why in the earth Kuroko have to suffer more despite his found of happiness with them. Why?

Most of them want to stay beside Kuroko, waiting for the bluenette to open his blue sky eyes. However, there are restrict hospital rules that ban visitor to stay more than two visitors in one night. They deal that the ones who will stay are Kagami and Aomine since both of them desperately asking for their chance to stay. The others go back to their house to take their rest.

"Don't forget to tell us if he wakes up. We will be here immediately." Akashi says before leaving the room with the others.

"We will." Agreed Kagami and Aomine.

They sit beside Kuroko's bad, with a face full of worry. No. Anxiety. There are too many possibilities that arise and most of them are the bad one. Silent engulf them as both of them are in their own world.

"Nee, Kagami," Aomine says suddenly, eyes still looking at Kuroko's steady breathing.

"What?" Kagami replies.

"What will you do if our shadow leaves us?" Aomine's expression change into sad and hurt one.

Kagami is taken aback with what he had heard.

"That.." Kagami couldn't continue. He does want to keep the positive thinking in his mind but with all those risks and possibility, he can't think other than Kuroko will disappear for real this time. Not as a shadow in basketball anymore but as a person who will die because of a brain tumour.

"I don't want Tetsu to die" without Aomine's realise, his tears flow down to his cheek as he speaks. His only wish now is to repent back his wasted time before by staying next to Kuroko this time.

"I feel the same. Never in my wildest dream that Kuroko will die in young age. I.. I never want that to happen!" Kagami almost screams his lung out. How frustrated he feel when he can't do a thing for Kuroko. Kuroko is important to him. The one who have saved him numerous times in basketball and in life. Kuroko teaches him so many things. How can he just let him die?

Sobs, cries and frustrated screams echoing inside the room. However, the person in the bed still didn't move and response a bit. Instead, the bluenette is falling into a deep slumber.


The next morning.

"This is the result of latest MRI of Kuroko's brain" The doctor gives Akashi the MRI. Instantaneously, Akashi observes the MRI, looking if something has changed from before.

"The tumour in his brain stem is growing bigger. That explain why he had breathing problem before. The other things are we have found that there's another tumour on Kuroko's temporal lobe inside his brain. Both of this tumour is the reason why his headache unbearable. These tumour is giving his brain pressure as it growing. I'm afraid to say that he will lose consciousness more and more because of this. And once the tumour disturbs most of the brain function, he will die." The doctor explains professionally.

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