Chapter 27 : Honest

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I do not own KNB.


Just like the time have stopped, everyone didn't even make a movement. Everything stays still until Aomine's voice resound along the way.

"Satsuki! What are you waiting for? We" Aomine stops in the middle, shock with what his eyes see.

The others attention change to him.

"Tetsu!" Aomine looks relieve as he runs toward Kuroko and gets on his knee so that he is the same level as Kuroko who sit in his wheelchair.

"Aomine-kun.." Kuroko unconsciously mumbles. He still in the state of shock. He didn't expect will meet them here and he is not ready for that yet although he missed them badly.

Aomine hugs Kuroko and cries all out.

"I am sorry Tetsu. I am sorry.." Aomine keeps apologising to Kuroko causing the other to look at each other with a questioning look. Now they are sure something big had happened between them that Kuroko keeps it to himself.

"D-dai-chan" Momoi stutters as her face wearing an unbelief look.

Kuroko raises both his hand and returning the hug. "You're not at fault, Aomine-kun."

"No! You should stop the acting now! All of this happen is because of me. I am the reason you give up on Satsuki. Why, why must you think of me and abandon your feeling? Why are you doing this for me? Since from beginning, I always am the one who making you suffer. I am sorry, Tetsu. I am very sorry..." Although Aomine's word are not too clear because he is crying but the other could hear it very well, including Momoi.

Momoi is making her way toward them with the confusing plus angry look. She is really angry toward Kuroko because he has played her feeling, but after listening to Aomine's word, she is confused.

"W-what do you mean by that, Dai-chan? what I have heard true?" Momoi's voice is wavering. Her emotion too is unstable.

"It's not true" Kuroko pushes Aomine from his hugs and turns his face to another place, escaping from others' gaze. If they see his face right now, they will know the truth, there will be no meaning of what he have endured before and what he have sacrificed for the sake of his friends.

Kuroko's action already tell them what has Aomine said is true. Although Kuroko is good in hiding his emotion, but as days passed, they already able to read his emotion and facial expression.

Momoi falls to her knee, processing with the shocking truth that she just heard.

The others keep their distance from them, giving space for the three of them, to be honest toward each other and settling their inner problems.

Momoi reaches Kuroko's hand, grips on it tightly. Now she knows she is at fault too. All this time, she has built up her haters toward the innocent person in front of her. She thought that she is the only one who suffers, but it is the opposite. She is not the only one who suffer.

"Please let me go, Momoi-san. I will hurt you more than I have done before if you insisting on believing the lies that Aomine-kun make." Kuroko makes sure his face is void of emotion before looking at Momoi.

"Dai-chan will not make lies with those tears of regret. I am sure because I have known him a long time ago. Please tell us the truth. I want to know why you make those lies. Why!?"

"Tetsu, please stop quibble. Tell us the truth!" Aomine screams.

Aomine and Momoi look at Kuroko with hoping look, patiently wait for Kuroko's answer and hoping that this time there will be no lies form from the small lips of their precious person.

Kuroko lowering his head again tries to control his inner emotion, which is on the edge of explosion. He grips both his hand, which one of it is in Momoi's hold. Few second later, without him realising, drop by drop of his tears fall down to his lap.

His body begins to shaking because he tries to holding back his tears and sobs.

Suddenly, two pairs of warm hands hugging his fragile body, relaxing him instantaneously. Slowly, he letting go his tears and start to whimper. All this time, he always thinks that by sacrifices a little of him will give his friends happiness. He stays humble so that he could adapt if he needs to let go the precious thing of him. In spite of that, it turned out all wrong. His friends hate it when he does something like that. They just want him to fully enjoy his life together with them without anyone sacrifices a thing. He such a fool for thinking everything he has done is for the sake of his friends.

"I-I am sorry for lying to both of you. I should have known that this will hurt you too. I am sorry..." Kuroko continues to cry as he apologising to them.

"Tetsu-kun, I am sorry too for hating you before. It was so hard to hate you because I love you so much. It overwhelms me. I can't forget about you even a day. Please, don't do something like this again." Momoi says between sobs.

"Losing my best friend is the most tortured thing I ever felt and I never want that to happen again. Treasure you feeling more before other. I am stupid because being affected by jealousy. I should think rational first before doing something." Aomine claims as he too cries in their hugs.

"You're always a baka. I just can't believe you just realise it now." Momoi giggles.

"W-what?!" Aomine screams.

"Hahaha.." Both Kuroko and Momoi laugh at this.

"What a beautiful scene.." Ogiwara comments.

"Yes, I am glad that at last, they can be honest with each other," Kise says.

"Akachin's decision on bringing Kuro-chin here is the best decision for all of us" Murasakibara give a thumb up to Akashi.

"I am glad that I never hesitate to do this" Akashi answers

"The good things is everything comes back to normal," Kagami smirks.

"Ahh! Shoot! We are late 15 minutes! Satsuki, let's go now! See you later guys." Aomine grabs Momoi's hand and rushing run along the way toward the entrance for the player.

"Gambatte! Aomine-kun, Momoi-san" Shouts Kuroko from afar.

"It's Satsuki! Remember that Tetsu-kun.." Momoi and Aomine wave their hand toward Kiseki no Sedai. The other wave at them too while for Kuroko, blushing?

"Good luck, Aominechii, Momochii" Kise shouts at them.

"Don't forget to crush Midochin," Murasakibara says.


The sudden sound which comes from Kuroko caught their attention. Aomine and Momoi's figure already gone from their sight. They turn to confuse Kuroko.

"Why Kuroko-kun?" Akashi asks, concern.

"They are having a match with Midorima-kun?" Kuroko asks.

Akashi turns to Kise and gives a warning glare.

"Ahh! Don't stare at me like that. You're scary!" Kise cries.

"You shouldn't say something like that," Akashi says with a stern voice.

"So, you guys do know that Aomine-kun and Momoi will be here" Kuroko turns his look toward his leg with an expression that they can't read.

"We are sorry Kuroko-kun. I am the one who plans this." Akashi honests.

"oh.." Just a simple sound come from Kuroko.

"Kurochin. Are you angry?" Murasakibara gets on his knee, looking at Kuroko's face with concern look.

"No. I am glad." Kuroko slowly rises his head.

"I am glad that you make me meet them. I am glad that I can be honest with my feeling." Kuroko lips forming a huge smile.

"Thank you.." Kuroko grabs Akashi and Kise's hand so that they can be next to him. Then he hugs the three of them.

Ogiwara and Kagami just smile watching the sweet scene in front of them. They are glad, at last Kuroko could smile like that again.


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