Year 1: Chapter One (Rewrite)

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A/N: Wassup guys, it's been a long time. A REALLY long time. Life got ahead of me and I'm now only learning to slow back down. I've forgotten how the story went so to be able to continue, I think some rewriting is needed. The book will follow the same story, I just need to refresh my memory and I think this is a great way to do that. I'll keep the old chapters here until I've finished my rewrite. Thank you for everyone who has read the story. :)


Little voices filled an empty manor, along with mini footsteps and the clattering of many books.

"Y/N! Draco! Dinner time!" An older voice echoed down the halls. A woman. Perhaps their mother?

"Quick hide!" One of the younger voices exclaimed in a panic, rushing what seemed to be a small elf.

"He'll never fit there, Draco!" The other voice, now clearly belonging to the boy named Y/N complained.

The two boys scurried around, trying to find a place to hide the elf. Loud footsteps grew closer.

"Y/N! Draco!" The woman yelled once more.

It was a wonder why a mansion so big needed their mother to march up the steps for them. You'd assume they had many maids and such.

"Quick! Dobby!" The other boy, Draco squealed in desperation.

Y/N struggled to pull his covers off of his bed to aid in hiding their little friend when a snap! diverted his eyes to where the elf, Dobby, was, only to find that he wasn't there anymore. Ah. How stupid of the two purebloods, elves could teleport after all! Two sighs of relief escaped the boys' mouths just as the door had opened, revealing their mother. There she stood, a woman who looked to be way too young to have two little identical boys. Her long black hair went down her back with some blonde going past her shoulders. She was beautiful to say the least, perfectly reflected onto her boys. She raised her eyebrow, questioning the two who seemed to have been panting.

"We were exercising." / "We were playing." The boys spoke in sync.

Y/N elbowed his brother, shooting him a glare. Thankfully, their mother didn't see. She was too busy going on a lecture which the brothers ignored.

"Seriously? Exercising." He whispered into his ear, to which Draco only shrugged.

The two quickly jogged up to their mother who was already on her way down. Their home was big and empty. Only housing the twins and their parents, which often made them a bit... lonely. Though their parents gave them everything they wanted, their father was still at work most of the time, which meant the boys had to find their own entertainment; Their family elves.

As soon as they entered the dining room, Y/N and Draco instantly straightened their backs. Their father was not one to mess with. Although they had perfect manners at such a young age, they scarfed down their food as fast as they could. Practicing magic all day took a lot of energy out the 11 year old boys.

"Slow down." Their father's stern voice instantly sent shivers down their spines.

Though Lucius was a strict father, that didn't make him a bad one. Nor did it make him a good one, but he tried. Not everyone could see it, but he really tried to give their boys everything they wanted. Still, his drive to make the twins perfect ended with them being terrified of him. The boys loved their father, yes, but a good scolding was given each time the two had done something bad.

After a while of eating in silence, broken by the occasional chit chat of their parents, they were finally done. Y/N dabbed at his mouth with a napkin, eyeing a different elf, holding what seemed to be a few letters. The elf swiftly handed them to Lucius before scurrying off.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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