Chapter Eight: Moonlight

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The night was mostly peaceful. A fresh layer of powdered snow gently covered the ground as waltz music lightly escaped the Christmas party.

Y/N and Hermione's giggled as Y/N pulled her by the hand, running across the empty halls. Y/N made sure to give Hermione his suit jacket due to the cold winter night's breeze. They eventually left the castle, running towards the lake.

"Hermione!" Y/N shouted as soon as they reached their spot.

She looked up at him with a questioning look but with a soft smile.

"Jean!" Y/N pulled her close by wrapping his arms around her waist.

Hermione squealed, instantly wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Granger!" Y/N exclaimed, still loudly but not enough to hurt her ears.

Hermione giggled at Y/N's behavior. Their foreheads touch. Then their noses. And finally their lips.

"I love you." Y/N finished, this time more softly just as their lips separated.

"I love you too." Hermione's whole expression was gentle.

Their faces moved away from each other but their arms remained in their spots, tightly embracing each other. Y/N's eyes found themselves staring at the moon which shone brightly in the night sky.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" Hermione spoke softly, reminiscing all their years together.

"I'm sure we'll able to look at it together forever." Y/N smiled, hugging her tightly to ensure she wouldn't freeze.

It was snowy and cold yet all Hermione had on was her light pink dress and Y/N's dress coat. They wouldn't be staying out for long.

"You know..." Y/N spoke up.

"I've always wanted to dance under the moonlight with you."

She laughed. And if the feeling Y/N felt hearing it could be bottled up, he'd save it for years to come. 

"That's so cheesy yet romantic." Hermione smiled at him with soft eyes.

"That's because I read it from one of your books." Y/N admitted with a chuckle, slowly swaying from side to side.

He held her close and although the sky was dark and the night was cold, they felt warm. Holding each other was comparable to holding the sun. They were each other's light.

"There isn't even any music." Hermione chuckled, leaning her head onto Y/N's shoulder as they swayed in silence.

"So this is love.... mmmmm... mmmm..." Y/N began to sing out making Hermione giggle.

"So this... is love..."

Hermione had shown him old Muggle movies that she had loved, including ones with songs and Y/N had fallen in love with them.

"So this... is what makes life divine..." Y/N's voice completely fit him as a prince, causing butterflies to swarm in Hermione's stomach.

Hermione felt shivers go up her spine due to the cold. She cuddled up closer than they thought was possible as Y/N swayed with her.

"I'm all aglow... mmmmm.... mmmm... and now I know." Y/N continued after placing a gentle kiss onto Hermione's head.

"The key to all heaven... is mine..." Hermione sang along with him.

They both could hear a smile in each other's voices.

"Your turn." Y/N chuckled, closing his eyes and getting lost in the moment.

Invisible Things (Hermione Granger x Male Slytherin Reader)Where stories live. Discover now