Chapter Three: Recruitment

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"Do you ever stop eating?" Hermione scrunched her face up at the ginger-haired boy who stuffed his face with food as if it was his last meal.

"What? I'm hungry." Ron groaned with a mouthful of sausage before continuing on.

"I suppose mother was correct about the Weasley's having no manners." Y/N spat, turning to the next page of his book.

"Hey!" Ginny glared at him.

"Sorry, not sorry." Y/N poked his tongue out at her before leaning his head onto Hermione's shoulder.

"Why are you at our table anyways?" Ron complained.

Hermione sighed, eating her food quietly while serving as Y/N's head rest. She did not want to get involved with their fight.

"Same reason why you're not at a pig pen. Cause I want to be here." Y/N rolled his eyes, lifting his head from Hermione's shoulder.

Hermione facepalmed at the two before looking away to see Harry approaching.

"Harry." She greeted with a smile.

"Can I join you?" Harry asked shyly, making Y/N snicker.

Y/N instantly regretted it, being hit on the shoulder by Hermione.

"Pardon me, professor, but what exactly are you insinuating?" They heard Umbridge's voice echoing through the hall.

"Tea." Y/N grabbed a piece of toast before walking off towards the voice.

"Y/N!" Hermione called out before following him.

"I am merely requesting that when it comes to my students... you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices." McGonagall answered her with her usual warm yet stern voice.

Y/N watched their argument with amusement, eating his toast slowly with a smile. Hermione had caught up to him along with Harry, Ron an Ginny. She stood next to the boy who instantly began gossiping with a few Slytherin students. The girls instantly made faces of dismay when they noticed Hermione's presence.

"So silly of me, but it sounds... as if you're questioning my authority in my own classroom... Minerva." Umbridge growled, taking a step up the stairs to appear higher in authority than McGonagall.

Y/N wrapped his arm around Hermione's shoulders, pulling her closer to him. Most of the Slytherin girls were very jealous of Hermione. She was the top of their grade and was dating the most popular guy.

"Not at all, Dolores, merely your medieval methods." McGonagall spat back, taking a step up the stairs to be on the same level as her but she was far taller than the overly pink professor.

"I am sorry, dear. But to question my practices is to question the Ministry... and by extension, the minister himself." Umbridge frowned.

"I am a tolerant woman... but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty."

"Pfft. She's hardly a woman." Y/N chuckled.

"Y/N." Hermione scolded, worried her boyfriend would get in trouble again.

"Sorry, love." Y/N muttered, placing a gentle kiss on her head.

"Disloyalty." McGonagall repeated in shock, taking a step back.

"Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared." Umbridge took another step up, now speaking to the students that have gathered.

"Cornelius will want to take immediate action."


"Having already revolutionized the teaching of Defense Against the Dark Arts... Dolores Umbridge will, as high inquisitor, have powers... to address the seriously falling standards at Hogwarts School." Fudge explained to the reporters as camera's flashed from every side of him.

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