Chapter One: Dementors

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"Oooh. Looks yummy let me have a bite." Y/N had just gotten out of the shower, walking over to Hermione who was eating a slice of cake.

Y/N had been staying with the Granger's for about a week or two now and he'd gotten pretty accustomed to the Muggle life. The Granger's were nothing but kind to him, letting them stay in Hermione's room on a cushion they prepared for him on the floor.

"Go get your own slice." Hermione said, trying to keep Y/N's hands from her food.

"Oh come on. Just a bite." Y/N easily managed to grab the fork from Hermione's hands before using it to eat some of the cake.

Y/N seemed to enjoy the cake, taking another big bite of it with the fork.

"That's not a bite!" Hermione exclaimed, grabbing the fork out of his hands.

"Muggle cake is really good." Y/N said all muffled due to the large chunk of cake in his mouth.

Hermione grabbed the cake back, resuming her eating as Y/N choked on it. Y/N instantly grabbed Hermione's cup of water, gulping it all down to relieve his throat.

"Hey! At least fill it back up!" Hermione smacked him in the shoulder.

Y/N chuckled, picking up the cup to refill it. He returned with a full cup, placing it down for Hermione to drink. As soon as she let go of her fork, Y/N instantly grabbed it again, resuming his eating.

"Here." Y/N smiled, offering her a forkful of cake.

"Seriously?" Hermione raised an eyebrow at him.

She tried to reach for the fork only for Y/N to move away.

"No, I'll feed you." Y/N chuckled, leaning his head onto his hand, his arm propped up onto the table.

"No." Hermione quickly shot him down, trying to grab the fork.

"C'mon. I read it in one of your books." Y/N said, still pushing to feed her.

"You were reading my books?!" Hermione's face turned red.

"I won't do it anymore if you let me feed you." Y/N's cheeky smile never faded.

Hermione went to eat the fork like Y/N wanted her to only for Y/N to move the fork away just as Hermione's lips touched the piece of cake, eating it instead of her.

"You really think I'd feed you, Hermione?" Y/N laughed at her.

"I hate you." She muttered hiding the blush on her face.

"Here." Y/N brought a forkful of cake towards her once more.

"No, you're gonna do it again." Hermione puffed out her cheeks.

"Don't do that. You look ugly." Y/N teased, poking her cheek with his free hand.

He thought she looked absolutely adorable.

"I won't do it again. Promise." Y/N brought the fork up to her mouth once more, this time letting Hermione eat it.

"You're an ass, Y/N Malfoy." She mumbled, refusing to make eye contact with Y/N.

Although she faced the other way, Y/N could hear a smile in her voice.


"You know, Y/N. You're very handsome even casual clothing." Mrs. Granger complimented the boy who had just finished getting ready to go out.

She straightened up Y/N's collar for him while they waited for Hermione to finish up. They were now on their way to purchase their items from Diagon Alley.

Invisible Things (Hermione Granger x Male Slytherin Reader)Where stories live. Discover now