Chapter Two: Buckbeak

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"Welcome, my children. In this room, you shall explore the noble art of Divination. In this room, you shall discover if you possess the Sight." The professor stood up, bumping into her table making the class giggle.

"Hello. I am Professor Trelawney... Together we shall cast ourselves into the future. This term, we'll focus on Tasseomancy, the art of reading tea leaves. So please, take the cup of the person sitting opposite you."

Harry and Ron swapped cups, staring into them.

"You see, the truth lies buried like a sentence deep within a book, waiting to be read." Trelawney walked across the classroom, putting on a show as she explained.

"But first, you must broaden your minds. First, you must look beyond."

"What a load of rubbish." Hermione said, taking a seat next to Harry, pushing her books into her bag.

"Where did you come from?" Ron spat, scared of Hermione's voice.

"We've been here all this time." Y/N replied, sitting next to Hermione.

"Where did you come from?!" Ron turned his head to Y/N who sat behind him, next to Hermione.

"Hermione." Y/N whispered, eyeing the necklace.

Y/N helped her put her Ancient Runes books away as she tucked the necklace into her robes.

"You, boy... Is your grandmother quite well?" Trelawny asked Neville, reaching out for his cup.

"I think so." Neville stuttered.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that. Give me the cup." Trelawny took it from Neville's partner before inspecting it.


She suddenly made a sound of shock upon laying eyes on Ron, making him jump.

"Your aura is pulsing, dear. Are you in the beyond?" She questioned him.

"Why did we decide to take this class again, Granger?" Y/N nudged the smaller girl.

"You're the one who suggested we take all of the Electives." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Look at the cup. Tell me what you see." Trelawny instructed Ron.

"Yeah uh-" Ron squinted into the cup.

"Harry's got sort of a wonky cross. That's trials and suffering." He flipped through his book.

Y/N wasn't really paying attention though, he found himself staring at Hermione who kept her eyes on Ron's book. Y/N didn't really know why but he recently always found that his gaze would follow Hermione. Hermione subconsciously bit her lip while smiling, not taking the class seriously. Y/N felt shivers at her action. 

"No. No way." He muttered to himself before shaking his head.

He refused to believe that he found himself attracted to Hermione. She was just his best friend and rival. That's all. Y/N watched as Hermione rolled her eyes at Ron who rambled on about Harry's cup making Y/N giggle slightly at her cuteness.

"What are you laughing at, Malfoy?" She questioned him with a smile.

"Nothing, you just look extra ugly today." He teased her, poking his tongue out.

Y/N and Hermione's conversation was cut short by Trelawny groaning in fear and dropping Harry's cup. Y/N's eyes instantly darted towards the Professor.

"Oh, my dear boy..." The Professor whispered.

"You have... the Grim."

She leaned closer to Harry making her thick-rimmed glasses make her eyes look even larger.

Invisible Things (Hermione Granger x Male Slytherin Reader)Where stories live. Discover now