Order Of The Phoenix: Bloopers and Behind

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Scene: Interview with the cast.

Emma, Dan and Rupert sat on the couch as the reporter interviewed them at a party.

Y/N walked in late, taking a seat next to Emma, squirming around in his seat.

"This is Y/N, you already know him." Emma introduced him as he took a seat.

"Sorry, I came in really late." Y/N apologized with a smile.

"You seem nervous." Rupert chuckled, looking at the boy.

"I'm sorry- this lady sitting next to me is just so pretty." Y/N acted embarrassed, dramatically fanning himself with his hand.

"You are such a dork." Emma giggled at him.

"Oh my god she giggled." Y/N fake fainted into the couch, placing his head onto Emma's lap.

"My biggest fan, this one." Emma told the reporter with the widest smile.


Scene: Y/N talking to Mr. Granger.

"Y/N!" Emma ran at him with her arms wide open and the cutest little smile.

"Lion." Y/N grinned at her, opening his own arms, ready to catch her.

Emma leaped at him, causing them to fall backwards onto a slice of cake.

"Uh-" Y/N broke character but kept his arms around Emma's waist as he got back up.

Emma laughed, looking at the cake all over the back Y/N's white button up, resting her chin on his shoulder.

"This feels gross." Y/N groaned, letting go of Emma.

They both stood up as Y/N began to unbutton his shirt already on the set.

"Y/N are you sure you should be doing that here?" Emma asked, locking her eyes on him.

"I'm not walking around with cake on me." Y/N finished unbuttoning, taking the shirt off to reveal his visible six-pack.

"Besides, I think you're enjoying the show."

He winked at Emma who stared at his abs, her face slowly turning into a blush.

"Shut up." She muttered.


Scene: Behind the scenes of Hermione and Ron's duel.

"Can I just say one thing though?" Emma spoke with the director.

"The only thing is, if Rupert comes up to Hermione and was like- genuinely, 'I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm gonna go easy on you.', what sort of person does that make her?"

"A hot one." Y/N came up behind her, hugging her from behind making her squeal.

"Seems like Y/N's got the right idea." Rupert chuckled.

"Hey, hey. Hungry eyes off my girlfriend." Y/N glared at him jokingly, pulling Emma away while hugging her.

"Y/N, we have to film soon." Emma giggled at his antics.

"I've got a complaint." Y/N looked at the director with a stern stare.

He kept Emma in his arms, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"And what is that complaint?" The director chuckled at the young boy.

"I don't get enough make-out scenes with my Emma." Y/N sighed dramatically before peppering her neck with kisses.

"Y/NNN..." Emma complained with a smile.


Scene: Running to Umbridge's office.

"Oh it hadn't quite clicked in, had it?" Emma said after the director stopped them on the moving stairs.

"I think it made us look cooler." Y/N chuckled, walking down the steps behind her.

"Yeah, we jumped over heroically." Emma giggled as he took her hand into his.

"Heroically comes naturally to me." Daniel laughed along.

Emma laughed one of those laughs that had Y/N melted down onto his knees.

"Damn, Emma." Y/N dramatically fell onto the ground.

"Even while we're not doing the deed, you still get me down on my knees."

"Y/N!" Emma scolded while laughing, playfully smacking him.

"Get a room, you two!" Rupert burst into laughter, wiping at tears from his eyes.

"Oh trust me, I would if I could." Y/N winked at Emma.


Scene: On break with Y/N and Emma.

The couple sat outside on the grass while they waited for Dan to finish his scenes. The sky was dark and it was cloudy but the breeze was nice.

"Emma." Y/N spoke up as she leaned her head onto his shoulder.

Emma hummed out a response, struggling to keep her eyes open. They had been filming since early in the morning and it was only the afternoon but Y/N had kept her up late last night.

"We should get a puppy."

"A puppy?" Emma chuckled drowsily.

"Y/N, we don't even live together."

"Not yet." Y/N smiled, moving her head onto his lap.

Emma finally closed her eyes, feeling safe with Y/N.

"Yet?" She questioned him with a smile.

"I'll marry you when we're old enough." Y/N announced with determination.

"Yeah?" Emma giggled at his tone.

"Yeah. So wait for me." Y/N played with her hair.

"I don't need to." Emma spoke softly, slowly falling asleep.

"I'm already yours, forever."


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