Chapter Two: Choosing Sides

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"Sometimes, I can still hear your footsteps running after me from five years ago." Hermione giggled, playing with Y/N's hair as he laid his head on her lap on the couch.

"I didn't chase after you that much!" Y/N exclaimed, placing his opened book onto his chest to get a good look at Hermione.

"So it was Draco that would always run to Hermione to compare grades?" Harry chuckled, watching the couple bicker from the fireplace.

"This is bullying and I do not stand for it." Y/N crossed his arms, pouting up at Hermione.

"Good thing you're laying down then, mate." Ron teased, taking a seat next to Harry.

Hermione leaned down as Y/N leaned up, approaching each others faces.

"Big baby." She smiled softly before letting their lips touch.

Y/N grabbed the back of her head, pulling her down more to deepen their kiss only for Ron to throw a pillow at them.

"Get a room." Ron groaned, making a disgusted face at them.

"Get a girlfriend." Y/N poked his tongue out at him.

Ron was about to snap back at him but was cut off by screeching. A puff of smoke and blue flame particles appeared out of nowhere revealing Kai. Y/N sat up, reaching towards the neat envelope in his beak.

"From Draco?" Hermione asked, leaning over Y/N's shoulder.

Y/N nodded with a gulp. Though he had been exchanging a few letters, he had a bad feeling about this one.

"I'll open it later, I'm sure it's nothing important." Y/N brushed it off, tucking the letter into his hoodie's pockets.


'It's time to choose your side.'

Y/N replayed the contents of the letter in his head over and over again as he walked down the streets of Diagon Alley, hand in hand with Hermione. Only a few steps ahead of them were Harry, Ron and Ginny.

"Love?" Hermione spoke up, looking up at the taller boy as they walked to the Weasley twin's shop.

Y/N instantly snapped out of his thoughts, his frustrated expression softened upon hearing her voice. It wasn't often that she'd call him that.

"Yes?" Y/N asked, meeting her gaze.

"What's wrong?" Hermione questioned, squeezing his hand lightly.

"It's nothing." Y/N smiled genuinely.

Hermione nodded. She could always tell when something was wrong but if he wasn't ready to speak about it, she wouldn't force him.

"Step up! Step up! We've got Fainting Fancies!" The Weasley twins immediately shouted as soon as the group walked into the store.

"Nosebleed Nougats!"

"And just in time for school..."

"Puking Pastilles!"

The shop was beyond filled with children laughing and many gadgets flying around the room. Y/N was dragged over by Hermione who followed Ginny towards a glowing pink stand, decorated with flowers.

"Really?" Y/N shot a judging look at the two girls who both poked their tongues at him before grabbing a small bottle each, reading the contents.

"Hello, ladies." George greeted, walking over to them.

"And Y/N." Fred added, shooting a playful wink.

Y/N waved at them before snaking his arms around Hermione who stared at the potion in her hands with curiosity. He leaned his head on her shoulder from behind, reading the label on the heart shaped bottle.

Invisible Things (Hermione Granger x Male Slytherin Reader)Where stories live. Discover now